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Wayne laughed. “It looks like we’re about to have a whole lot of fun.” He backed off.

Simon looked at Tabby, who was frowning at their retreating backs. “They do know they’ve just labeled themselves as cowards, right?”

“It happens.”

“Your school is way different from mine. If that would have been Luke, there would have been a fight. Of course, if a teacher turns up wanting to slap us all with suspensions or expulsions, it’s the classic, we all slipped.”

“I can’t even imagine what it must be like at your school. I don’t get into a lot of fights here. At least not anymore.” They arrived at the reception and Tabby groaned.

“This is going to suck. I’ll see you at lunch?” Tabby asked, putting a hand on his chest.

“Count on it.” He kissed her head and turned, making his way to homeroom.

Throughout the morning, he heard the whispers and the rumors about the new girl. People were already curious about her. It wasn’t like she was new. She didn’t even attend their classes. The setup was that she’d complete her courses in the privacy of one of the offices near the principal. It had all been arranged between Tiny, Devil, and the school. Tabby wasn’t part of the school, just continuing her education.

In History, Dean and Eddie sat in front of him, but leaned back.

“So have you heard?” Eddie asked.

“Heard what?”

“What people are saying about Tabitha?”

“Yeah, they’re all curious about her. Who wouldn’t be?” he asked. He was a little annoyed with the attention she was getting. Tabby belonged to him. He didn’t like to share. Having her here was something he’d been wanting for a long time. Now that she was, he didn’t like the idea of others getting to know her, of seeing how damn special she was. She belonged to him, only to him.

“He hasn’t heard,” Dean said.

“Amber’s threatening to kick her ass at lunchtime.”


“Yeah, it’s what everyone is talking about.” Eddie smiled.

Dean shrugged. “How does your girl fare in a fight?”

“Tabby can hold her own.” Simon ran fingers through his hair.

“Why do you not look happy about this? Someone needs to put Amber in her place,” Eddie said. “Come on, this could make for a good lunch.”

“Tabby’s here based on her being good. She’s helping my family out. She causes more stress, she’s heading back home. I don’t want her to get into any kind of fucking fight.” He threw down his pen. He sounded like a pussy.

“I also heard Wayne’s got a hard-on for her,” Dean said. “He believes he can take her from you.”

Simon rolled his eyes. “I’d like to see him try.”

No one took his girl away from him. Fucking no one. By the time lunch rolled around, he was as tense as he could be. He didn’t want Tabby fighting, but if Amber got into her face, she was clearly asking for it.

Tabby waited for him by reception. He pulled her to him and told her the rumors.

“Oh, please. You think I haven’t heard stuff like this before? It happens all the time. Rumors are empty lies. Trust me. It’s all going to be fine. You need to learn to relax. I don’t know what has happened to you, but be calm.”

“Is that an order?”

“Yes. Now, how were your classes, honey?”

“We’re going domesticated?”

“Couples do it all the time and seeing as this is the first time I’ve been in school with my boyfriend, I thought I’d try it out.”

“You sound sexy,” he said, running a hand down her back to grab her ass. “I like it.”

“You like me being all wifey?”

“Yeah, I do.”

She giggled and kissed him. “Wait until I take you home and cook you dinner.”

“Babe, none of this is bothering me. You’re talking to the guy who actually wants to marry you. I’d have you as my old lady right now.”


“Yeah. I’ll ask my dad.”

“As much as I’d like to, we both know our dads would pitch a giant fit if we let that happen.”

“Let what happen? We’re not pregnant.”

“I know. Let’s give them time.”

He took her hand, rubbing the finger where an engagement and a wedding band would go. “When you’re eighteen?” he asked.


“We don’t have to ask them for permission. When we’re both eighteen, you’ll be my wife.”

She licked her lips. “What if you change your mind?”

He snorted. “You think after all this time I’m going to change my mind?”

“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future,” she said.

He cupped her face, tilting her head back. “I know what’s going to happen. You and I are going to be a team, no matter what.”

“The clubs?”

“We’ll figure it out together. Tell me, make a pact with me right now. Both of us are eighteen, we’re married. No doubt?”

Her smile lightened up his whole world.

“Yes. You can count on it.”
