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“Then come with me,” Simon said.

She shook her head. “No.”


“You will hate yourself for this. I can’t stop you, but I’m not going to join you. Not here, not with this. If you’re not home tonight, I’ll pack a bag and go back to my family. I miss them so much, but I’m here for you.” She went to him and cupped his face. “You’re stronger than this, Simon. Stop fighting who you are.”

She turned on her heel and got back into the car.

“What am I doing?” Eddie asked.

“Take me back to Devil’s house.” She ran her hands along her thighs, taking a deep breath.

“You okay?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

Eddie didn’t ask any more questions. When they got back to Devil’s house, she pulled out some cash, handing it to him. “Here you go.”

“Don’t. keep it. I would do anything for him, and he knows it.”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. If you need a ride anywhere, let me know, and there’s nothing sexual in it.”

She chuckled. “Thanks.”

Heading indoors, she saw Sasha, Pussy’s woman, was hanging out with the kids and Lexie.

She gave them a wave and headed upstairs to quickly change. After a shower, she pulled on some sweatpants and headed to the kitchen to cook something, anything. She’d helped her mother plenty of times. Angel, Lash’s woman and old lady, was forever in the kitchen, and Tabitha always liked to watch. She settled on pasta. Devil tried to take over cooking as she’d been serving them up all-vegetable meals.

Tucking her hair behind her ear, she tried not to get her hopes up each time the door opened. No one back home knew she’d been sitting at the same welcome sign back home with a bag packed. Of course, she’d been younger as well. Daisy didn’t know how she’d walked to the edge of town and held her bag. Every couple of cars had slowed down, asking her if she was okay. In the end, rather than hitchhiking it out of there, she’d gone back home, put her clothes away, and appeared at school the next day.

She got it.

But Simon was running from different things. He had to see that.

“This smells good,” Simon said, drawing her out of her thoughts.

She spun around to find him right there, in front of her. “You came back.”

“You think I’m going to do anything that would make you angry or sad to be near me on purpose?”

“I don’t know. For all I know, my being here has made you stop caring about me.” She shrugged, trying not to sound as broken as she felt at the very thought of him not wanting her.

Simon went to her, gripping the back of her neck, tilting her face up, and kissing her hard. Wrapping her arms around him, she held on for dear life, not wanting to let him go.

“You don’t ever have to fear that,” he said against her lips. “Tabby, what I feel for you isn’t normal.”

She laughed. “That’s the way to a girl’s heart.”

“What can I say, you struck me when we were kids, and I can’t move on. I love you way too much to ever be able to handle that.”

“Damn, you say all the nicest things.”



“How is everything there?” Daisy asked.

“Fine, I guess. I don’t know. It’s tough.”

“Yeah, I heard the parents talking. They think you should come home.”

“I’ve already spoken to my dad. If it gets to be too much, they want me home. I’m doing good. My schoolwork is on point so it’s not like they can pull me away because of that.”

Daisy pouted. “What about us?” She rolled over so now Tabitha looked at Daisy lying down.

“What about you guys?”

“We miss you.”

“I know. I miss you guys so much.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Daisy lifted and lowered the phone so Tabitha watched her face go distant then right up close.

“You’re freaking me out doing that.”

“I know. You know how much I hate these things. Does my double chin look bigger?”

Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

“I’ll shut up.”

“How’s school?” Tabitha asked.

“You’re sounding like a mom.”

Tabitha glared at her and Daisy’s brows went up. “Wow, all right, all right already. School is great, actually. Sure, we’re not exactly in the open arms of the Dogs but there haven’t been any fights. The Quad has been doing okay. Again, we’ve held up our end. I know Ryan wants a piece of Anthony but it seems a lot of people are pissed at him. With how quiet everything is, I’m starting to think you’re the trouble causer.”

“Don’t start,” she said.

“I’m only stating a fact,” Daisy said, laughing. “In all seriousness, how are you holding up? I know this has to be bringing up some hard shit.”

“It is. I’m doing okay. It’s Simon I’m worried about. The club is always around. They have a reason to stop by. I think the strangest thing I’ve seen so far is Dick and Martha offering mediation with Lexie. It seems to help, though.”
