Page 35 of GRIND

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With everyone dancing with each other, having a great time, I kept going back to not only yesterday afternoon at the pool, but the plane ride before, and especially the night at Cory’s.

There was no doubt in my mind that the amazing passion we shared was something special. I kept dreaming up ways for us to keep our relationship private, and out of everyone’s business. Maybe if he came to Florence… Just the very thought of getting to spend all that alone time with Cory in one of the most romantic places on earth made me discreetly squeeze my thighs together… The more I thought about us, the more I was open to exploring what was there. I mean, he himself had alluded to it last night, stealing a kiss from me once he got me away from the rest of the dinner guests.

I blinked back the memory of unzipping his pants and dropping to my knees, the thrill of getting caught not lost on me, as I blew him only a couple dozen feet from everyone. If I could hear those noises he made every night, I’d be the luckiest girl alive knowing I was the one that made him feel good.

We could make it work somehow…

"There you are," Dad said next to my ear as he leaned his head against me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I had a moment's reprieve and thought I'd come catch a quick breath with you. How are you feeling?"

"Me? I'm not the one who just got married," I teased him, closing my eyes as he hugged me. I couldn't remember the last time I saw his face so flushed and alive. Being a literary professor doesn't exactly lend you very much adventure in your life.

Dad laughed. "How I'm feeling? Rapturous, placated, enervated… the list goes on." Answers only a professor like my father would provide, of course.

"I'm glad to hear that. And I'm happy that you're happy," I admitted as I plucked a glass of wine from the tray offered to us.

"You're not… angry with me anymore?" His question was light but I knew he was being serious.

"It wasn't that I was angry with you, you know. I mean you're a grown man, you can make your own decisions. It just seemed a little out of ordinary for you. Okay," I said, smiling at the way he raised his brows and grinned at me, "a lot out of ordinary. But I don't know anyone smarter than you, so… I figure you're using your brain at least a little. Plus, Sandy seems kinda perfect for you. If it had to be someone, I'm glad it's her."

After my mom died when I was younger, Dad always felt the need to pick up the slack and be both parents. He didn't need it, but I could practically see the weight lifted off his shoulders as I gave him my blessing.

Sandy sidled up to my dad's side, her face glowing and eyes wide. She looked like cupid had just shot her with one of his arrows. "Oh, they're finally going to get back together," she said, her voice soft and hopeful. It was a really weird thing to say, considering the circumstances.

"Who's that?" Dad asked the same thing I was wondering.

"Cory and his high school sweetheart. They looked so sweet, up on the balcony."

The words trickled in and my chest tightened, but I had to know. "The girl with the long blonde hair that was super flirty with him at the rehearsal dinner last night?"

Sandy grinned at me, totally oblivious to the ashen expression on my face. "That's the one. They went to school together and Cory was so in love with her… followed her around like a lovesick puppy."

My eyes darted all around on their own accord, my stomach twisting in on itself. Feeling too hot for my own skin, I swallowed hard, staring at the wine in my glass. "I just realized that it's so late… I think I've had a little too much wine."

"Are you okay? Do you need me to walk you back to your room, Em?" Dad asked, immediately dropping his hands from Sandy's and feeling my forehead with the back of his hand, going full dad-mode on me.

I gave him a meek laugh and played it off. "I'm totally fine. I just um, need to get some sleep." Faking a yawn, I shrugged and looked at both of them. "Probably too much fun in the sun mixed with all the wine."

I was surprised by how hollow I sounded but it seemed good enough for Dad and Sandy. "Well, okay then. Goodnight sweetheart, we'll see you tomorrow morning."

I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and squeezed Sandy's hand before turning away, my vision already blurring as I made my getaway.

I hadn't been lying about the wine—it was definitely getting to me. Between the tears and my being past tipsy, I was lucky enough to make it back to my smaller villa without causing a scene by busting my ass on the floor.

The tiniest part of me thought maybe there was a misunderstanding. Maybe I should find Cory and ask him about this woman, give him the benefit of the doubt. I might have, but I remembered the two of them and just how close they seemed the night before, back when I thought it was just me being jealous. This was more than that and if even Sandy caught them, then that was all the evidence I needed as far as I was concerned.

I slammed the door shut behind me, sick to my stomach. I'd let Cory use me for his own enjoyment and then stupidly confused it for something more, like the dumb child I was.

I wouldn't make that mistake again.

The plane ride home was thankfully Cory-free, due to some kind of last-minute business trip he had to make. When he smiled and cornered me to tell me that and asked if I wanted to come with him, I simply pushed past him and boarded the private jet, locking myself away in one of the back rooms until he eventually gave up banging on the door and asking what was wrong. He wouldn't get the satisfaction of ever finding out, not after the way he played me…

Moving everything out of the sorority house led to my near break-down, the anger and humiliation finally catching up with me. I wanted to feel the excitement all of my friends felt about the upcoming Cabo trip, but my heart just wasn't in it.

The next week went by so fast that it made my head spin. Graduation was a blur of everyone else around me, taking pictures, hugging and tears. Of course, Cory had shown up with Sandy to congratulate me, but I gave him the cold shoulder again, refusing to explain my change of heart if he couldn't do the same for me.

In the end, I dropped out of the Cabo trip the day before we were set to go. It wasn't just Cory, although he was definitely the main reason behind my decision—I needed to get away from everyone and everything. I needed more time and space to clear my head. And I needed to get over my step-brother and accept our fate.

Chapter 15


* * *

My mom was always the one to tell me that when a woman starts acting real ugly to you, or starts ignoring you altogether, you need to either find out what you did wrong, or run like hell in the opposite direction. So, when I tried my damndest to get in touch with Emma as discreetly as I could and I still wasn't having much success, I felt like I needed to just move on from our time together because clearly, it hadn't meant a damn thing to her. Not when she had Italy to look forward to.

The muscle in my jaw twitched just thinking about it. Going back to work and slipping back into my usual routine wasn't that hard, but it sure as hell wasn't me giving 100%, either. The days were ticking by and I could almost feel the thin thread between us about to break.

"What's wrong with you lately, Cory? You've sounded down in the dumps ever since we came back from the wedding," Mom finally asked one day at lunch. She'd met me at Reservoir for our usual, but I could tell she was worried about me the minute she sat down.

Not wanting to get lectured, I tried to avoid the subject. "I heard Rashi's going to ask the board of directors to initiate a more cost-cutting budget this year," I replied dully. Nothing bored me to death more than when my parents would discuss the company at length.

But Mom was known for taking a conversation and turning it on its head. "I'm surprised you know that, considering you're never present for the board meetings since you care more about your own side businesses than the one that provided everything to you. Your father named you a member when you were in high school and you've only come to two meetings since then. Speaking of school… how are things with McKenzie?"

I didn't know which part to pick over first, but the last question threw me completely for a loop, my frustration quickly turning to confusion. "McKenzie?"

"Yes? I thought I saw you guys getting back together in St. Lucia."

I had to laugh, careful not to dribble my glass of water. "Uh, no. What are you talking about?"

"Oh, no need to pretend, son. I saw you at the wedding looking quite cuddly with her. When she kissed you?"

"What? No, I mean yes, she did, but it's not like that. We had a lot to drink, but I don't think of her like that anymore, Mom. Maybe you left too early but I ended up having to push her away. She was a little too gropey for my taste." And she’d been sloppy drunk, not my style at all.

Now it was my mom's turn to look puzzled. "But you were glowing the whole trip! I thought for sure she was the woman you were having a fling with when I brought it up before we left. If it wasn't her, then who is it? Who captured your heart?"

I hated when she got cheesy on me, but it was obvious my mother was not going to let up on this. I hung my head, taking in a deep breath before saying, "Emma."
