Page 77 of GRIND

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Our pool was connected to the house by an opening where you could swim through that led to a giant enclosure, the pool inside of it.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked her, diving in without looking back again. All I could do was hope that Aly had enough of a sense of adventure to follow me. The rest I could manage myself.

As I swam toward the other end of the pool, there was a loud splash, and in dove Aly, looking as though she were just in her bra and underwear. I took a deep breath, reminding myself to stay calm at first. It was definitely difficult to do when I had my dick half sticking out straight in front of me.

Aly swam over to me, her eyes on the glass enclosure above and around us, separating the outside snowy world from the humid temperature of the pool.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this before," she whispered out loud, pushing her wet hair away from her face. "And look, you can see everything perfectly out here!"

It was true. From our pool enclosure we had a vast scenic look at the snowcapped mountains surrounding one side, while the thick of forest surrounded us on the two other sides. It was gorgeous, but not nearly as gorgeous as Aly swimming around practically naked in front of me.

Calming my nerves, I smiled and nodded. "Yep, you can say that again." I swam away over to the swim up bar and found the switch for Dad’s music, turning it on just barely loud enough to set the mood. It was one of my dad's favorite albums from the ‘80s, something that I hoped Aly would appreciate. "Would you like a glass of scotch?"

She thought about it for a moment and obviously deciding to cave in, laughed. "Might as well."

I poured us both a glass at the bar, swimming back around and handing it to Aly, who gently sipped at it, scrunching up her face.

"Whoa. That's a bit strong."

We both laughed together, and I quickly downed mine, not really wanting to waste any time. I had her right where I wanted her, and the things that kept rolling through my brain as I saw the water trickle down her neck and chest were things that I was desperate to do to her…

"I'm sorry if things were a little awkward, you know, back at your Mom’s house." I set my glass down on the side of the pool. "I truly had no idea, believe me."

Aly looked as though she'd rather discuss anything else other than this. "It's fine. Don't worry about it," she said stiffly, looking away.

"Aww, you don’t have to be like that. It's just us here, it's not like anyone else can hear what I'm saying anyway."

Maybe I was pushing the boundaries a little, but I closed more of the space between us, waiting for her to look at me again.

Aly's chest heaved, her perfectly round tits like little buoys in the water under her chin. The light from the pool cast a pale greenish glow on her legs, and I noticed that she was, in fact, wearing a red thong. If she looked down she'd most definitely see the way my boxer briefs were tented, my dick as swollen as her pussy was when I’d tasted her before. God, she was delicious to look at, delicious to taste…

"Am I bothering you?" I murmured, curious.

Goosebumps rose along her chest and tops of her shoulders. Under the rippling water, I could see her dark nipples standing out in protest against her thin, cream-colored bra. I was getting harder by the second, my dick throbbing almost painfully.

"No, it's not that…" She let her voice trail off, still not looking at me all the way.

"What is it, then?"

Aly sighed, letting out a humorless chuckle. "It's just this whole thing. You in the massage room, your hands on me. Then in the sauna, with your… mouth on me. And now you're here. It's like you're everywhere, even though I'm trying to—"

"Avoid me?" I guessed.

"No, I'm just… I don't know. I'm confused about how I feel about it all."

Putting my money where my mouth was was never a problem for me, so I took a few slow steps toward her, the water sloshing between us, and slid my hand down to her waist. "I don't think you're as confused about it as you think you are. Your body language is saying something quite different."

I knew if I took another step toward her she'd feel the effect she was having on me, and there'd really be no turning back. But I was going to let her take that final step, and hung back, my hand still lazily on her waist.

Her pupils seemed extra-large in the dim lighting, the thick snow clouds blocking out any usual moonlight from outside. "Sorry." She was killing me with her sultry voice, her wet hair billowing around her in the water.

"There's no need to be sorry, Aly. I'm not complaining."

Her mouth opened and closed, like she was stuck on words. Looking down at the water for a moment, her eyes fluttered, and she finally looked right back at me. "You don't think… I mean, no one would…"

My dick seriously felt like it was going stir crazy, trapped in my underwear. "No one would have to know. I'm very good at keeping secrets. Especially these kinds," I finished for her, giving her a smirk.

It was enough for her to linger closer, her eyes flashing wide as she bumped into my throbbing dick. But she didn't back away, and instead steadied herself so that she was right against me, giving me the okay.

She smelled like a faint mix of chlorine and sweet strawberries, and as she looked up at me from under her lashes, I felt my resolve crumble. I had to make her mine.

Crushing her against me, slick skin on skin, I buried my face into the crook of her neck, tasting the sensitive skin there, my tongue following the channel and dipping down softly into the hollow of her collarbone. Aly was a mix of chemical water and salt after all the skiing earlier, her sweat tasting dull on my tongue as she gasped.

But she wasn't one to stay still this time, and she tangled her hand in the hair at the nape of my neck, tugging lightly while dragging her nails down my back with the other. The temperature of the water must have risen several degrees between us, because her skin felt like it was on fire under my fingertips.

When she brought her hands down and pressed them against my chest, I grinned, tilting her chin in my hand and trailing kisses up to the corner of her cupid's bow. Aly trembled as her hands slid lower and lower along my abs, her fingers moving so achingly slow. I hissed against her mouth as she caught my hard length between her hands, the thin fabric of my underwear not doing much to conceal it. Her hands were so fucking warm…

I tasted her deeply, my tongue sliding along hers, unable to get enough. If I didn't stop, I was going to fuck her right here in the pool, patience be damned.

Leaning back, I pulled away to get a good look at her and the way her lips were kiss-swollen, and I could’ve sworn I heard her whimper from the separation.

Before anything else happened, I wanted her to know where I stood on the matter. "I promise, Aly, I'm not the type of guy that goes around giving strangers orgasms. It was just… Well, I could tell you had a lot of tension and I wanted to help you feel better. It's part of my job, you know? You were making all that noise, I could tell you were into it already. And I didn't think I'd see you again. I didn't realize your mom was dating my dad."

She looked up at me with those warm hazel eyes searching mine.

"But now I have something I want to really finish, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since you left the spa."

"What's that?" she whispered, her hands playing with the dripping strands of my hair.

"I need you in my bed. Right now."


It took us a moment to disentangle ourselves, but once we swam back to the opening of the pool entrance and shivered together as we slipped back inside the house, I couldn't take my eyes off Liam. He was like some golden god dripping wet and standing before me, fumbling with the door to his bedroom.

Was this some sort of universal good karma for putting myself through law school? Or maybe I was being rewarded over my patience with Josh, despite the fact that in the end I could no longer stand the thought of marrying him. Whatever it was, I silently said a little thank-you to the universe as Liam finally opened the door.

His room was a relic of a younger version of himself, but I didn't have much of a chance to get a good look and investigate, because at that moment Liam hoisted me over his shoulder, laughing as I squealed. "Shh!" he whispered, the room swimming before me as I was almost facing straight down. "You'll wake your sister."

"Ha, I doubt it," I said brazenly, very aware of how my practically bare ass was a mere inch from his face. "She sleeps like a log as it is."
