Page 80 of GRIND

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As she brought another bite of pancake to her mouth, maple syrup dribbled down her chin until a small drop fell right in between her tits. My eyes followed the lonely drop as it went further down. Unable to help myself, I lifted my finger and wiped the drop off slowly, bringing it to my mouth as I smiled at Aly's shy look. "Very sweet," I agreed.

Aly's breath hitched in her chest, and her sweet, luscious tits heaved under the tiny bit of blanket covering them. It was like electricity had shocked both of us at the same time, building between us. I could almost imagine the warmth flooding her pussy right now. It probably was having the same effect as my dick getting hard in an instant. I didn't dare look down—I knew what was going on below.

It was amazing just how quickly Aly could get me to abandon all of my other thoughts and only want to take her right here right now. She was a gorgeous beauty who just happened to land quite literally in my lap at the right moment. I couldn't believe my luck, with the way I'd heard she’d broken things off with her ex-fiancée recently… It was crazy to think that if she hadn't, I wouldn’t be sitting here with her gorgeous naked body in front of me, mine for the taking.

Which reminded me… I was going to have to ask Aly later on what exactly had happened between her and her ex… But for now there were more pressing matters.

Aly had only managed to finish eating half her pancakes and a slice of bacon, and only a few sips of water, before I carefully took the tray away from her and tackled her on the bed again…

Only a couple of hours later, my father and Kay returned, looking fine despite the previous night's weather conditions. "Ah, it was like our own adventure!” my dad lamented, smiling over at Kay, who just returned his grin. It was kind of weird to think about my dad getting busy with anyone in some kind of romantic hideaway set up, but whatever made him happy, I guess.

It wasn't long before all four of us wanted to hit the slopes again, Sage mumbling a pitiful request for more medicine and for us to have fun. I did still feel bad about having to leave her behind, but the more one on one time I got with Aly, the better.

Today wasn't going to be about me taking it easy, today was about fun with her. Even over the birds crowing loudly over our heads as we slid to a stop at the bottom of our first slope, Aly's laugh soothed me.

"You are impossible!" she said, trying hard to keep a straight face. "I didn't realize we were racing."

I shrugged, loving the way Aly just couldn't resist smiling at my antics. "What can I say? I'm a competitive kind of guy."

Throwing her hip out to the side, she tilted her head just so, and even though she was wearing oversized ski goggles, I could already see the face she was making. "Is that so? Well guess what, Mr. Competitive Guy? You've just met your match. First one down the next trail wins."

She was already off, skiing back over to the left before I could ask her just what the prize was. I watched the snow fly behind her and stood back, chuckling. If I had my way about it, there'd be enough winning going on for the both of us…


I don't know how I ended up standing outside some abandoned supply shack on the Satterwhite property, but with Liam's hands firmly grasping my hips as he placed kisses all down my neck, I didn't exactly mind either.

He pulled back to look down at me, his face softening. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Why was he so good at making my heart melt? "Not lately."

His hand skirted up my side, his fingertips sliding up my arm until he cupped my chin in his hand. "Well, that's a shame if you ask me."

Even through the shade from the thick trees, Liam's blue eyes shone in an honest, brutally handsome way. Words tripped out of my mouth before I could take them back. "I don't know how you do this but… you make me feel different. You remind me of the ocean for some reason."

"Some might say it's my eyes," he teased me.

But I shook my head. "No, I mean you calm my spirit. You calm me."

"Then why don't you ride this ocean tide tonight again?" He winked as he trailed his thumb along my lip and dipped his head down, his mouth brushing against mine.

Snow crunched underfoot nearby, and I pulled quickly away from him, my mouth instantly regretting the move. "What if our parents see?"

He gave me a placating look, brushing some of the snow off of his pants. "Hon’, everyone's wearing the same outfits around here. They won't even know it's us. There are so many people out on the slopes today, they're probably not even paying attention."

I let myself sink back into the kiss and Liam's hand went further and further down my backside, squeezing my ass firmly. I pulled away again.

Taking the conversation in a completely different direction, Liam tilted his head to the side. "Tell me, Aly, why do you want to be a lawyer, exactly?"

Taken aback, I struggled to find the right words. I had my own reasons, none of which I was prepared to go over right at the moment.

"When you were on my table," he continued, pulling his hat off, "your shoulders were seriously out of line and you had so many knots. I swear I could've gone looking for gold under all those pebbles of tension."

It was the first time he had talked about the massage, and embarrassed at my shortcomings, I turned away. "I guess… I just felt like it was what I was supposed to do, you know?"

He turned me back to face him. "Why's that?"

I couldn't exactly bring myself to look him face-to-face, so I looked down as his skis. "You don't want to hear about this deep, sappy stuff." Even though part of me desperately hoped that it was exactly what he wanted to hear. That he would even care enough to ask me in the first place… That meant something to me.

"Yeah, I do."

When I finally did look up and meet Liam's intense gaze, I couldn't help but spill. "It's just… When my dad passed away when I was younger, it was hard on my mom. Financially speaking. I guess I just promised myself I'd never let that happen to me. That I would always be able to take care of myself no matter what happened."

"So you decided that being a lawyer would save you from that?" Liam asked, trying to follow along.

"That, and well, my dad was a lawyer, too. So it just made sense." At least that was always what I’d told myself, anyway.

Another couple walked past us, giving us a quick wave as they carried their skis. Liam turned back to me. "Yes, but do you enjoy it?"

Stumped, I couldn't really figure out how to respond. The truth was I never really enjoyed debating people as much as many of my other colleagues had, going through law school. They always seems much more intent on proving that they were right, when I was always up for seeing both sides of the story. Apparently that wasn't exactly the kind of lawyer law firms really sought out. "I honestly don't know, to tell you the truth. I will say that it's stressful as hell, that's for sure."

"You know, more lawyers break into the wine industry than any other industry," Liam said, solemn-faced.

I pursed my lips together, not buying it. "You're just making that up."

He lifted one shoulder and the ghost of a smile crossed his face. "Am not… Okay, so maybe sort of. But it's worth thinking about, I'm just saying." He took another step toward me, not caring that people kept crossing our path. "Aly, what would you do if you could? Any on

e thing you've always wanted to do, if you could do it, what would it be?"

It sounded like one of those questions that you read on some Internet quiz or something, but I took my time to actually think about it. "Travel, maybe? I've been itching to just travel and maybe write a little. I didn't know how that would be possible without a really good job, I guess. Law school came with a pretty hefty price tag. So, why are you massage therapist now, mister? Let's get to the nitty gritty hard questions. Why not still play tennis? I understand you were injured, but you seem to get around pretty fine now."

That seemed to throw Liam for a loop. "Okay… Tough questions. If I answer, then you have to answer my tough questions, too."

I snorted. "Like they haven't been tough already? Okay, deal."

Giving me a curt nod, Liam leaned against a nearby tree. "The truth is I don't like too much idle time on my hands. Like I said, I like to keep going. And I sort of hate being by myself, as pathetic as that sounds. Since I've always been good with my hands and massage seemed to work out, it was the perfect therapy for me in my down time. Tennis is all about control and being aware of your abilities, tuning yourself to the smallest change. Being quick to meet the need of the ball and all that. I needed a break. Now my brother, on the other hand, he's totally into the family business. He's one of the top chefs in the country. I guess I'm a bit afraid of trying again, maybe. I mean, I'm not a pussy or anything, I just sort of lost my drive when my mom died and after that damn injury." He took a deep breath, looking off into the distance again. "She came to every match, you know. I don't think I could play again knowing how empty the audience would be without her. What it would be like to have the absence of her beauty there."
