Page 84 of GRIND

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In the supply shed.

On the jet up in the air.

Across the hood of my car.

I'll give you an even better massage next time. I won't be using my hands though.

Damn. Let me see you wiggle that ass a little more.

When Jackson had suggested we all hang out in the living room after stuffing ourselves full of curry and rice, I purposefully sat far away from Liam. It was difficult enough to concentrate on the new suspense movie that Randy had ordered On Demand, without adding Liam to it.

Several times throughout the movie my mind would go off the reservation, wondering when I'd get the chance to be alone with him again. Silently in my head I wished them all to hurry up and get on with it.

How long would this damn thing take, anyway?

Mom shrieked and nearly spilled her red wine in her lap as the serial killer on screen pulled out a gun on the main character, sending all of us into hysterics. Maybe it was just the excess of wine and the pouty face she gave the rest of us, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be long before everyone made their way upstairs. At least that was what I kept telling myself.

Sage's sputtering snoring, as loud as it was, didn't seem to stop Mom from cuddling against Randy's shoulder and falling asleep. I even caught a small smile creep across his face as he brushed a piece of her hair from her face. It was quite sweet… or at least, until I got the next text from Liam.

Picture for me, you swimming in the pool alone, naked and floating on your back. Now picture me diving in the deep end, but you don't see me come up. All of a sudden your hips are pulled down and I'm sliding my dick inside you.

Well now. That was an intense picture to paint, a naughty one that I would most definitely be imagining the next time I was in bed alone.

The next big jump scare on screen didn't effect anyone else but me, and when I looked around me I noticed that aside from me and Liam, everyone else had fallen asleep. Randy with his mouth slightly open, Mom propped up against him, and Jackson with his head in his hand on the arm of the couch, his chest moving slowly.

Trying to catch Liam's eye, I pulled my arm out from behind my sister's sleeping form and gave him a little wave, pointing to everyone. This could be it. This could be our next moment.

His fingers were busy on the screen of his phone, the tip of his talented tongue poking out between his teeth.


What do you say we continue this upstairs?

I grinned over at him and nodded, starting to stand up, but somebody coughed and I quickly settled back in, looking from side to side.

Randy had woken back up, chuckling to himself. "I think it's time for bed, everyone. I'm going to go ahead and take care of the movie now that it's over. Good night."

I inwardly groaned, wondering if Liam was as frustrated as I felt that moment. The twitch in his jaw told me that maybe I was right. It just figured that the powers that be had a hand in keeping us apart. Just fucking figures.

My sister, on the other hand, practically hissed when Mom tugged the blanket from her hands. "I'm sleeping down here," she mumbled, drawing the blanket up and over her head as she fell into another coughing fit.

Shoot. Now we can't even stay down here and hang out, which was the very next plan…

I pursed my lips, trying not to show just how irritated I was, and after telling everyone a quick goodnight, I marched up the steps and was careful not to slam the door shut, no matter how petulant I was feeling.

When the phone lit back up in the darkness of the room, I debated on whether I wanted to just sleep in my misery, or if I wanted to continue the torture with reading all the sexts Liam was sending me. Of course, I just couldn't help myself…

Damn. I'll be thinking about you and that delicious pussy of yours over here in bed.

The ache between my legs was even more intense.


Oh yeah? What are you thinking?

Settling under the covers of the bed, I chuckled at Aly's attempt to get me to sext with her. I mean, I pretty much was anyway, but her wanting more of a picture… Well, two could play that game. My dick was already throbbing hard as I lightly stroked at it through my sweatpants. My hand was by no means an equal alternative for Aly's mouth, much less her wonderfully tight, hot sex, but it was a means to an end.

And besides, imagining her in the room across the hallway, her fingers down her own panties, touching herself… It was enough to make me come at the thought.

I was thinking I'd sneak across the hall, wake you up in the middle of the night, and have my way with you.

A moment later the screen of my phone lit back up.

No. You have to do better than that.

I raised an eyebrow, deciding to up the ante.

Okay, you asked for it. But if you end up touching yourself you have to promise me you'll send me a little treat.

I waited on pins and needles this time, to see if she was down. Oh fuck… If I had a naked picture of Aly on my phone, I could probably die a happy man.

The next couple of minutes passed by, leading me to think that maybe Aly just wasn't into the idea of nudes. I couldn't expect a sexy, grown ass woman like her to just drop her pants and Snapchat her ass for me. And I wouldn't want her to, not after she'd been held a prisoner of pleasure all this time. If there was one thing I knew, it was that I planned on changed that ASAP.

My eyes slowly drifted shut, my arms tucked behind my head. Luckily, right as I began drifting off, the phone lit up, and when I saw there was an image attached I nearly shouted out loud, my grin from ear to ear.

It was very simple. A close up of silky, light pink fabric just barely covering her bare mound, goosebumps clear across her skin. A few of her fingers on her left hand were slipped underneath the front of her panties.

I closed my eyes. This was the best kind of surprise yet.

Chapter 12


* * *

The trip was over before we all knew it, and of course, that meant it was back to business as usual back in Napa. I felt slow, tired, and even a little lazy after the relaxing and okay, erotic and fun weekend spent in Vail. It was hard to focus on anything else but how soon I could get back into Liam's pants.

And because mothers have an uncanny knack of being able to put you to work when your mind needs the distraction the most, Mom pulled me aside when I came over once the vineyard had officially closed for the evening, asking me for my help.

"Tomorrow is our special Valentine's event for the Minerva Winery. They'll be showcasing my choice of wine for the night, displaying it for the guests. Randy has graciously volunteered Spa Unico for our space. It has a large ballroom perfect for the event. You know how these high end events stress me out. Would you mind helping your poor, old mother?"

I did know how frazzled Mom tended to get when she was faced with hosting literally anything, from a small group of teenage girls for a sleepover, to things like these yearly meetings. It made me wonder why she kept volunteering. "You know I'll help out however I can. What do you need me to do?"

Which led me to staring at myself in the mirror, twisting from side to side. "Dammit, why is it so hard to just pick something?" I muttered to myself.

Sage popped her head into the bedroom, and seeing that I was present, pulled the door shut behind her. "Is it between the yellow dress you're wearing and the sp

arkly black one? Because if so… I mean, c'mon. There's no choice, you've got to go with the little black dress. Yellow is so not your color, anyway."

I let out a sigh, twisting to see how the back of the dress fit across my wide hips. It was bunched up in a weird way anyway. "I hate it when you're right."

This earned me one of my sister's trademark smirks, and she leaned in closer to inspect her face. "Ugh. There is no way I'm going to be able to cover these bags up under my eyes. I hate being sick."

"You're still sick?" I asked, unzipping myself out of the yellow dress before hanging it back up on the door. "I thought you were getting better?"

Sage shrugged. "I mean, I am better, but you wouldn't be able to tell by the puffiness and bags on my face. If my skin keeps it up, I'm going to have more wrinkles than Mom," she said, slightly shuddering to herself. "And I'm just not ready to give up my twenty-something skin."

Scrounging around in one of the many zippers of my makeup bag, I found what I was looking for and tossed it over to her. "Try this. It's the only way I managed to make it through school without looking like a total zombie."

She thanked me and worked on her face while I slid the slinky black dress over my head, sucking in my gut to make sure I could fit it all the way over my hips. Once it was in place, I had to admit that it didn't look so bad after all.

"Wow. See? I told you. That looks so much better on you."

While I fixed the last strands of hair around my face, Sage finished up her makeup and stood back, watching me, looking as though she wanted to say something. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked her, getting impatient.

"You never did tell me what's going on between you and Liam, you know."

I snorted. Ah, of course that was what the nosy girl wanted to know. "What's to know? We, um, had some fun over the weekend."

Sage kicked my shin and I cursed. "Oh please. You know I'm going to need to know a few more details than that. Don't leave your own sister hanging!"

I bit my lip as I went over the weekend's events in my head, one at a time. A dopey smile crossed my face in my reflection and I caught my sister's gaze. She rolled her eyes.

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