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Silence, then, “You were a virgin?”

She said it loud and then I heard the guys in the background, which sounded like Crisis and Ream. I laughed. We chatted about the band’s tour and how Ream was being a super control freak over Kat. Then how crazy it was now the band was so popular. They had to hire security and Logan insisted Emily have a personal bodyguard, but he quickly got rid of that idea when he saw how attractive the guy was. He ended up hiring a female bodyguard.

I asked about Crisis, the bass guitarist, when the shower turned off. Then I wasn’t really listening to Emily as I was thinking about Deck, soaking wet. When he came out of the bathroom, still naked, water droplets gliding down his glistening skin …

“Gotta go, Eme. Love ya.” I tossed the phone aside as Deck strode toward me. Suddenly, he stopped short, his back stiffened and his eyes narrowed. Then I heard it, the scratching of something like …

He made it to me in two strides, grabbed my arm and yanked me off the side of the bed, hidden from the bedroom door. I landed with a loud oof and a sharp pain in my right hip. He put his hand over my mouth and kept me locked up against him as he whispered, “Stay down and don’t move.” He grabbed his jeans off the end of the bed and slipped them on, before grabbing my track pants and t-shirt and handing them to me.

I heard the distinct click of a bolt turning.

“Shit,” I mumbled beneath his hand.

He took his hand off my mouth then grabbed me behind the neck and before I could say anything, he kissed me. It was hard and fast and over before I could take my next breath.

I was a little freaked at who the fuck would have the balls to break into Deck’s penthouse. They were either super brave or super stupid.

He quietly opened the nightstand drawer where he’d placed the bullets when I’d been playing with his gun and then kept low as he went to the dresser, grabbed his gun and came back.

I watched as he popped the bullets in place then slid the barrel back and handed it to me.

He put his hands over the top of mine. “Both hands.” His voice was low and steady, completely in control. This was why he was great at what he did. “Anyone comes toward you, …” he curled my finger on the trigger, “shoot.”

“That’s my lesson? Jesus, Deck. Don’t I get some target practice?”

“Yeah, the asshole who’s breaking into my loft.” Deck pulled me back so I was leaning up against the bed. “Don’t move. I need to know where you are at all times. Shoot anything that moves.”

“What if it’s you?”

“You won’t shoot me.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You won’t shoot me.” Deck was edging toward the end of the bed.

I said in a loud whisper, “But I could if you surprised me and—”

Deck glanced at me and his expression was fierce. Not a fierce I could work through. No, this was immeasurable and severe. This was the Deck who went after the scum of the Earth. “Then don’t be surprised.” Then he was gone.

I didn’t know how to handle a gun, but I wasn’t stupid and I had been around Deck all my life. Guess I was getting a lesson earlier than I thought.

I moved to the other side of the room behind the door and peeked through the crack. I did still have an issue with following instructions.WHO THE FUCK was breaking into my loft and how the hell did they get past the concierge? I slipped into my office, grabbed my spare gun and crept down the hall.

Tyler was on his way over, but he’d have knocked. Never had he just walked in my place even though he had a key. My house cleaner I’d cancelled for two weeks until all the shit settled.

I crept into the spare bedroom, which was closest to the front door. I didn’t hear anything. Nothing. Fuck.

I waited another two minutes and then slid along the hallway wall again, peering around the corner into the living room. I noticed the front door wide open and …

I felt him behind me a second too late and by then he had the cold, sharp edge of his knife on my throat.

“And you’re supposed to be the best.”

Fuck. I dropped my hand to my side and took my finger off the trigger as he took the knife from my throat. Jesus, I was too focused on Georgie and not on what the fuck I’d been trained to do. “You owe me a new lock.”

“What lock? All I did was click and turn. Ever hear of security? My girl is a rather valuable asset—”
