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Jagger walked over to Liam and me, and except for the bloodshot eyes, he looked as put together as ever. “Holy shit. An identical twin,” he said as he looked back and forth between the two of us.

“Damn, it’s almost uncanny. But I can totally tell you two apart.” Jagger pointed to Liam. “Liam has dimples when he smiles, and Levi doesn’t.” When Liam nodded, I glared at Killian, who was studying the carpet under his feet.

Good, let him feel ridiculous. How could he not tell the two of us apart? He should’ve known. He’s kissed me, for God’s sake.

Another knock at the door had Jagger backing away. “I’ll get this one,” he said. “Nice to meet you, Liam.”

“Wait.” Slade jumped to his feet with a surprising amount of energy for someone I’d thought was half-dead. “I’ll come too.”

Must be room service, I thought. Food was probably the only thing that would have them jumping up so damn fast, but as a female voice squealed, I realized it wasn’t room service at the door after all, but Halo’s sister, Imogen.

“Yo, Im! In here,” Halo called out, shoving his sunglasses on top of his head.

As Imogen made her way inside, her long red waves trailing behind her, I couldn’t help but notice the way Slade and Jagger flanked her in an almost protective way.

Oh shit. No. No, no, no, motherfucking no. I’d had my suspicions but had hoped to God I was just seeing things.

“Halo,” she said, giving her brother a bear hug once he got to his feet to greet her. “I thought the flight over here would be unbearable, but it wasn’t bad at all.” She ruffled his hair. “You need a haircut.”

“Nope. No, he doesn’t,” Viper said, causing Imogen to roll her eyes.

“So,” she said, looking around the room. “Looks like you all partied hard last night. What were you celebrating? Jagger’s many engagements?”

The way she said it sounded innocent and teasing enough, but she cut her eyes at Jagger.

“My what?” he said.

“Oh, I saw all those proposal signs on TV. How many did you say yes to?”

When Jagger began to sputter and Halo’s eyes darted between Imogen and Jagger, I knew it was time to intervene.

“Since we’re all here and in such fantastic moods,” I said, “why don’t we head down for lunch?”

“A greasy burger sounds like fucking heaven,” Slade murmured, still standing too close to Imogen. I didn’t know what was going on with those three, but they were not sitting together at lunch.

I sighed as everyone made their way out of Killian’s suite and slung my arm around Liam’s shoulders. “Welcome to Australia, baby bro. Sorry about the dramatics. They’ll be fine once they get some food in their stomachs.”

“Nah, they’re great. But, uh…” He nodded at Killian and whispered, “Care to tell me what that was about?”

As if he knew we were talking about him, Killian looked over his shoulder, his eyes landing on mine, still apologetic, before turning away.

“Don’t ask,” I told my brother, shutting the door behind us. “Just don’t even ask.”




Nothing I said seemed to make any bit of difference to Levi, because apparently hitting on his twin brother I hadn’t even known existed was too unforgivable a crime, one punishable by silence for the foreseeable future. He ignored me at lunch, on the flight to Sydney, at dinner last night after getting some sightseeing in.

For fuck’s sake.

To me, the whole thing was laughable. Obviously I hadn’t done it on purpose, and now that I’d met Liam—who seemed to be the polar opposite of Levi, in looks and personality—it sure as hell wouldn’t be a mistake I’d make again. Unlike his twin, Liam had laughed off our interaction, though I suspected he was curious as to why I’d been coming on to his brother the way I had.

There was only one thing I could do at this point to get Levi’s attention back on me, and not in the “shooting daggers into my eyeballs” kind of way. He’d fucking hate it at first, which was why I’d resorted to being a sneaky bastard, but if things went my way, he’d appreciate the gesture later.


Lounging against the padded seat at the front of the boat I’d rented for a few hours, I kicked my legs up on the seat across from me and checked the time. Our usually punctual band manager would be here soon, so while I waited, I closed my eyes and soaked in the sun’s warm rays.

It wasn’t long before I heard footsteps on the dock and opened my eyes as Levi came to a stop in front of the boat. Squinting up at him, I shielded my eyes and noted the pissed-off expression that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face for the last twenty-four hours. He’d dressed as casually as he ever seemed to, a pair of sea-green shorts and a white linen shirt showcasing his tanned skin, loafers on his feet.
