Page 29 of In Bed with a Rogue

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“So you have found this Lavinia,” he said. “Your goal is accomplished.”

“Not exactly, but since all paths lead to…” She frowned. “Well, I don’t know where the fashionable brothels are. I am certain, however, they are not in Whitechapel, so I assure you I am perfectly safe. Although I may never gain access to her now.”

“Ah.” Sebastian nodded in understanding. If the girl had truly been sold to a high-end brothel, she would be working in the West End. Perhaps in St. James or Covent Garden.

“Even if I did know the location, it would be pointless to go there. As you can see”—Lady Prestwick gestured toward her lithe curves—“I am not a gentleman.”

Far from it, he would say, but considering she thought he had come to take advantage of her, he refrained from commenting on her very feminine and inviting figure. “Your man, Fergus, cannot help either.” Without a title or lands, he would never gain access to the madams’ girls.

“No, he can’t.” She lowered her gaze, her expression so downtrodden, Sebastian nearly left his chair to wrap his arms around her for comfort. Instead, he gripped the padded arms and forced himself to stay seated. This girl was important to her, and for some inexplicable reason, she suddenly became important to him too. But if the girl was simply a servant’s sibling, why did she care enough to risk her life?

Lady Prestwick fidgeted with the locket around her neck, refusing to look at him. She had an emotional attachment to this girl. Perhaps they had been raised together. It wasn’t unheard of for children to form friendships before an adult informed them they were not equals.

The idea boosted his opinion of Lady Prestwick. She was no mindless rule follower, and yet she effortlessly navigated the ton, charming the matrons of Society. The same gossipmongers who’d turned their backs on Eve, believing she’d been sullied and fearing their own reputations would suffer from associating with her. The women were nothing more than sheep trotting wherever they were led, and Lady Prestwick had their ears.

A rush of exhilaration coursed through his body. What if the solution to Eve’s problem was standing before him? He hadn’t hoped for a second chance to do right by his sister, but what if Lady Prestwick had appeared from the mist not to save his life but to give Eve’s back to her?

Her blue-green gaze flicked up and discovered him staring. Pink rushed into her cheeks, but she didn’t look away. He gave her a tentative smile.

Slowly he rose from his chair and mimicked her earlier motion, sweeping his hands down his body with flourish then holding his arms out to his sides. “Hopefully this doesn’t come as a shock, but I ama gentleman.”

Her blush deepened to a dark red.

So she had noticed. He bit back a pleased grin. They were on more familiar ground now.

“I believe we can help one another, Lady Prestwick. What say you? Shall we form a partnership? You sponsor my younger sister Eve, and I will search the brothels on your behalf.”

Her eyes flared wide briefly, then narrowed to suspicious slits. “Why would you do that for me?”

Good Lord. Maybe he should demand money so as not to disappoint her. She gave a new definition to mistrustful. “I’m not offering for you, Lady Prestwick. I’m not even doing it for me. My sister needs help and she is the most deserving person I know. So can we reach an agreement or not?”

The hard lines of her face softened, and her extraordinary eyes glimmered in the candlelight. “Miss Thorne seems like a nice young woman. I have no reason to deny her my assistance.”

“Splendid!” Sebastian came forward and extended his hand. “Should we shake on our agreement like gentlemen, or would you prefer to seal it with a kiss?”

Her frown returned, and she hesitantly grasped his hand. “This does not mean I trust you, Lord Thorne.”

“How could I ever think otherwise, Lady Prestwick?”


Two days later, Helena arrived at Eldridge House with guarded optimism. She still didn’t quite trust Lord Thorne or his intentions, but she considered entering into an alliance with him a necessary risk. Besides, her part in the partnership was pleasant enough. Eve Thorne was a delightful young woman.
