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When he went to the conference that morning, so many months ago, he’d left with instructions that for three hours, I was to alternate kneeling and free time. Five minutes each, then ten, and finally fifteen. I hoped he wasn’t going to have me do something similar for the positions. That had been an extremely difficult exercise.

“Did you find that exercise helpful?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. Eventually.”

“Excellent. Because I want you to practice getting in and out of your positions. I won’t make you do the three-hour thing again. I think fifteen minutes each day will do. I’ll let you know when you can stop. Any questions?”

That didn’t seem too bad. Fifteen minutes a day was extremely doable. My muscles were already a bit sore just from what he’d had me do so far, so I knew repeating the exercise would strengthen the muscles that had grown soft.

“No, Master.”

“Good. Now since we’re changing things up a little today, I’m not going to have you serve me orally.”

I understood at least in part why he decided to change things up in the playroom, but I didn’t like not being able to take him in my mouth first thing. Much like kneeling and waiting for him to join me in the playroom, serving him orally helped me get into my mind-set. The ritual we’d established helped me take my thoughts away from what was on my mind and turn my focus toward him.

“I am, however, going to put your mouth to work. Look at me.”

I lifted my head and met his gaze. Like always, the intensity of his expression while he was in the playroom took my breath away. The corner of his mouth quirked up a tiny bit in an almost, but not quite smile. He took something out of his pocket and held it out. It looked like a replica of a cock.

“You’re going to keep this in your mouth until I tell you to take it out. You are also to treat it like you would my cock. Which means no dropping and no biting. The material is made to show teeth imprints, so I’ll know if you bite down on it.”

Nathaniel was my first Dom and I’d never sucked someone off while being pleasured. Well, unless you counted the times we went sixty-nine. But to be situated between two men like the woman at the BDSM convention? I’d never done anything resembling that. It was as if he was letting me get a feeling for how it was with two men.

“Open,” he said, and he slid the toy past my lips. “There you go. All the way. Just like it was me.”

It filled my mouth more than I thought it would. It certainly was big enough to be his cock.

“Suck it,” he said. “Suck it like it’s my dick and you have to get it hard.”

I took more of it in and sucked hard.

“There you go. That’s it.” He took it out unexpectedly. “That’s what you’re supposed to do whenever this is in your mouth. Now I want you to go drape yourself across the bench.”

As I positioned my body across the bench, I realized that he planned to re-create the whole scene we’d witnessed at the club. Or as much as he could by himself. I allowed my mind to wander down paths I’d marked as no trespassing. I closed my eyes and pretended I was the woman in the courtyard that night. With Nathaniel behind me and a shadowy man in front of me.

He padded over to me and the cock pressed against my lips. “Suck it good and hard.”

It felt weird having the toy in my mouth, so I allowed myself to slip back into the fantasy where I imagined it was real. I licked the shaft, making sure it didn’t fall from my lips. I’d just got a good rhythm started when Nathaniel stroked my backside.

“Keep sucking,” he said, and before I could guess why he would repeat himself, he spanked my ass. Hard.

“Mrpf,” I said around the object in my mouth.

“Don’t stop sucking and don’t drop it.” He rained more swats on my backside.

It wasn’t long before the familiar warmth his touch created started to spread throughout my body. He wasn’t being gentle, and each smack landed on a different area, so within a few minutes, my entire butt was pleasantly sore.

He came to the front of the bench and took the toy out. “Ask me to strap your ass.”

Fuck yes. “Strap my ass, Master.”

“Not good enough. Beg me.”

“Please, Master, use your strap on me. I need you to use it hard.” I widened my legs, just a touch. “Please.”

I didn’t realize he was naked until he pressed his cock to my lips. “First, I’m going to fuck this mouth.”

That was all the warning I got. The next second, he was pushing into my mouth with a hard thrust. “There we go. Suck that cock, Abigail. Suck your Master’s cock.”

He went so deep with his next thrust, he hit the back of my throat. I relaxed it so he could go deeper.

“Fuck yes,” he moaned.

He only pumped a few more times. Waiting, I guessed, because he didn’t want to come just yet. Which meant he had more things in mind. He jerked out of my mouth, breathing heavily.

“Your mouth is so good, but I’m going to be buried in your pussy when I come today.” He pushed the toy back in my mouth and then started with the strap.

Oh, hell yes, it felt good. Sharp and hard. Then he’d press a hand to my skin and the warmth would diffuse throughout my body. Helped by his other hand, which he trailed between my legs to tease my entrance.

I hummed around the fake cock in my mouth.

“That doesn’t sound like sucking.” The strap hit my backside harder than it had been striking. “Suck.”

I went back to sucking, but it was hard to concentrate on that when he was making other parts of me feel so good. I sank back into my fantasy, pretending the shadowy man was in front of me. I worked my mouth harder.

Nathaniel’s fingers pushed inside me. “Mmm, now you’re ready.”

Again, there was no warm-up, no hesitation, just his spoken word followed by an all-consuming thrust. I almost bit the toy, but caught myself in time.

Behind me, his hands grabbed my ass and I groaned because the sharp pain left by his strap meshed with the sinfully sweet push and pull of him in and out of me. Together it had me seeing stars.

“Work that mouth around that cock,” he said. “Imagine you’re being fucked by two cocks. Two cocks filling that naughty body.” He grunted and shoved inside harder.

It didn’t take much for me imagine it. I could see the scene that played out in the courtyard in my head. It took nothing to picture me in place of the woman, held between two strong men, both of them using me for their pleasure.

Nathaniel smacked my ass again and I moaned, almost dropping the cock. He started circling his finger around my clit, brushing it with every other thrust. Fuck, I was so close.

My eyes flew open. He hadn’t given me permission to come and my mouth was full, so I couldn’t ask.

He kept up his rhythm with both his hips and his fingers while I started reciting German in my head. I squeezed my eyes tight as an orgasm threatened to overtake me. Oh, hell, I couldn’t stop it.


With his permission, I dropped my control and within seconds, my first release was shaking my body. My nose flared with my heavy breathing, but I didn’t drop the toy.

“Fuck yes,” he said, and thrust once more, spilling himself inside me.

He stayed buried in me for only a few seconds before pulling out and walking to my head and removing the cock. I took several deep breaths. Nathaniel took a nearby cloth and gently wiped my mouth.

“Sore here?” he asked, touching my lips.

“No, Master.”

“Good.” He glanced down at the toy. “No bite marks, good job. I imagine that wasn’t easy.”

“No, Master,” I said. “But it occurs to me, you must have to trust someone a lot to put such a sensitive body part in her mouth.”

“Just like you have to trust someone a lot to give him your submission?”

I smiled. He never let me forget how he treasured my submission. “I guess it is a lot like that.”
