Page 4 of Love Always

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"Yes. It’s only for you," I breathe. Somehow, he manages to get the car turned off, and the door open with me in his arms carries me in the rain to his front door. The rain is beating down on us while he maneuvers the keys from his hand to unlock his door. Once inside his house, he pushes my back against the now-closed front door. He’s still inside of me, and I am getting wetter and wetter. He pulls out of me and sets my feet on the floor. Reaching down, he pulls the hem of my dress up and lifts it off my body. I step out of my boots, leaving them where they are. He kicks his own off while I lift his shirt over his head. "Holy shit," I whisper. I am surprised by the fact that his large, imposing chest is covered in muscles. I lick my lips.

"You like what you see?" he asks, grinning down at me. He’s so tall. I love it.

"I do. I do. I really, really do," I blurt out.

"Good girl," he says, reaching behind me, opening the clasp on my bra and pulling it away from my body. He lifts my boobs in his hands; his palms graze my nipples, causing me to gasp. I open his pants the rest of the way, and they fall to the floor where he steps out of them. "Come to bed, Marla. The night is still young," he says, taking my hand and leading me to his bedroom.

"Wow. This a great room. Huge bed," I say stupidly. Of course, it’s enormous. He’s so big. He chuckles, lifting me up and tossing me on the bed. I bounce as I land. He stands over me, stroking his massive cock. My wet hair is stuck to my face, so I frantically try to move it out of my eyes. I don’t want to miss a second of this.

"Babe. You are so fucking gorgeous. You belong to me now; you know that don’t you?" he asks, his voice gruff.

"I gathered that. Stop teasing me with that huge cock," I say, spreading my legs wider to accommodate him. He climbs on the bed, between my thighs. Leaning down, he kisses me softly before sliding back into me. I wrap my legs around his waist. He thrusts in and out of me, harder and harder, until I feel my orgasm rising. My nails dig into back as I come, screaming his name. A few minutes of thrusting later, I feel him fill my unprotected womb with his seed.

"Are you on birth control," he asks, pulling out of me.

"No. Why?" I ask, though; that’s probably a stupid question too.

"Just wondering how long it’s gonna take for my baby to grow in your belly. I like knowing that it can happen at any time," he says before kissing me again.

"Oh, God," I whisper, really, really loving the idea of that.

"Let’s get some rest," he says, moving to my right side and pulling me closer to him. "I am not ever going to be done with you, Marla. Better get used to that." He pulls the covers over us, and his rhythmic breathing soon tells me he’s sleeping.

I am exhausted, but I really feel like my whole world has just changed. I’ve never spent the night away from home before. My family is my entire world. I slide out of bed and pull on his white button shirt from the floor by the front door. I pull my boots on and run out to his truck. It’s still raining, but not as bad as it was before. I grab my purse from the passenger seat and dash back into his house. I turn the lamp on that is sitting on a table by the door. Looking around the room, I notice that there are boxes in the living room instead of furniture. I call Mrs. Tincheley and let her know that I won’t be coming home tonight. I know she is brimming with questions, but I end the call letting her know that I’ll talk to her tomorrow. I climb back in bed with Buck, and he pulls me closer to him, wrapping an arm around me.

Is it possible to fall in love when you barely know the other person?

This is more than love at first sight; it feels right. So right, like every bad thing that ever happened in my life brought me to this place, to this bed, with this man.

Chapter Four


The next morning, I wake up feeling better than I ever have. She is wearing my shirt; her damp hair spread out on my pillows. The blanket has slid down her hips. Her pussy is showing, and I can’t help thanking God that she’s all mine. She is I am still having trouble believing that someone as unique as her was pure for me. In the light of day, I know that I don’t want her to leave my side. I have fallen in love for the first time in the span of one night, and I am not willing to give that up. More to the point, I’m not willing to give her up.
