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‘He needs his mother. He adores you.’

‘You are being kind. I dare say your scheme to pry Rurik away from Virvir is working. Instead of quoting Virvir, he has now started quoting Saxi.’

‘Excellent news.’

‘Is Saxi the right sort of man for Rurik to look up to?’

‘Saxi is a good man and a good warrior.’ His face became sombre. ‘He had three children until they were killed by the Franks. His youngest would have been about Rurik’s age.’

Kara concentrated on the loom. She hadn’t even considered that the big warrior might have had another life before this one. Ash had done a kind thing. ‘I’m sorry for his loss and I’m sorry I doubted you.’

‘An apology. Will wonders never cease?’ His blue eyes blazed. ‘You have done a fantastic job with that boy. He is a son any man could be proud of and I am grateful that he is mine.’

‘Was there something else you wanted to see me about? The weaving waits for me,’ she said quietly.

‘I want to take Rurik hunting. Properly. He needs to learn. Saxi agrees with me. He used to take his eldest at this age, but I need to make sure he is eased into it.’

She put her hand to her mouth. Hunting. She didn’t even want to think about the possibilities for Rurik to get hurt. Her father had died in a hunting accident. ‘He is far too young. Hunting is very different from the control of a training yard.’

‘He must learn.’ Ash’s face became alive with barely concealed passion. ‘He has real skill with the bow and arrow. It needs to be cultivated, rather than ignored.’

‘Can’t he just shoot at targets and learn that way?’

‘He needs a challenge. Something to completely occupy his mind.’

‘He has been sneaking off to see Virvir again?’

‘No, that has stopped, but some day they will meet and Rurik needs something he can brag about.’ Ash put his hand on the loom. ‘Leave your weaving and come with me, Kara. Now.’

‘An order?’ Kara gestured about the room. Hunting and Rurik were two words which sat uneasily together. She knew Ash was correct, but she wasn’t ready to allow Rurik. Ever since their conversation in the stables, every time Ash searched her out, it was to do with Rurik rather than their relationship. It was frustrating in the extreme.

‘A request.’

‘You can see how much needs to be done.’ Kara struggled to keep her temper. Why did this have to be settled this instant? ‘With Gudrun gone, we are one woman short. Thora is training her niece, but the girl is clumsy with the loom. She is far more interested in discussing the merits of various warriors. Words won’t keep men warm come winter.’

‘One afternoon. This afternoon.’ His tone left no room for objection. ‘You will scarcely notice the difference. You always hated weaving, Kara. You complained bitterly about it when you were little.’

Kara put her hand to her mouth. He would have to remember that! After her mother died, her aunt had arrived to look after the house for her father and had insisted that she learn to weave properly rather than looking after animals. ‘Do you know how much I have to do? Winter is coming. It waits for no one, not even you.’

‘I want to show you what I plan to do when I take Rurik out on his own to ease your nerves. You will get more done if your mind isn’t constantly occupied with worry.’ His eyes held hers. She made the mistake of looking directly at them and tumbling into their blue depths. ‘I want you to feel secure with Rurik’s training, rather than having every possibility prey on your mind. I know what a vivid imagination you have. If you are not completely satisfied, then I won’t mention the idea to Rurik.’

Kara’s heart constricted. The offer was very unexpected. Ash was doing this for her to ease her mind rather than simply taking Rurik or building Rurik’s hopes up. She had to meet him halfway. She had to trust him with this small thing.

‘You want me to go hunting with you? Alone?’

‘Tracking is perhaps the better word, learning to distinguish various tracks and follow the best ones.’ He gave a half-smile. ‘You used to beg me to take you on every expedition.’

Kara put her hand on her hip. ‘You used to delight in taking me the hardest ways.’

‘But you never gave up.’

‘That’s right.’ Kara’s stomach tightened. Before Rurik, she went along with everyone’s ideas and didn’t complain. She always tried to see the best in everything. ‘I’m a very determined woman.’
