Page 57 of Perfect Notes

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The spring sun suddenly burst through the windows, bathing the room in warmth.

I felt alive, vibrant and in desperate need of a good fuck. Those craving tingles zipped about my body, inspiring me to think of sex, the sapping journey of the previous day forgotten. My worries about money dismissed. I had Stefan exactly where I’d hoped to have him—between my legs. Did I really come all this way to simply ask a few questions and listen? No, the reality sank in. I’d come to salvage a damaged relationship, to kiss and make up. All those tales about great makeup sex bounced about in my head. Please, dear God, let it be so.

He took me by surprise. I’d drifted off into my own thoughts when he rammed the entire length of his cock inside me with one almighty thrust. I opened my mouth to scream and nothing came out but a strangled cry of delight. Immediately, my recuperated legs sprang into action. I wrapped them about his thighs until my toes knocked together. He was in there now and I wasn’t going to let him escape.

He panted with each swing of his pelvis. The sunbed rattled on its plastic legs, as with each pounding thrust he drove into me, pushing me up. To gain leverage, he seized the edge of the bed. It was then I exploded, deluged by the impact of my orgasm. Contractions sped outward, trampling across my taut belly and into my throat, which constricted, trapping the air in my lungs. I held my breath until it finished.

Unperturbed by my premature climax, Stefan continued his relentless onslaught. I clawed at his back, tightened my legs around his. Eventually, my groin couldn’t take his girth unsupported and I looped my hands under my thighs and drew up my knees. My bottom lifted and he went deeper. Each of my muttered ‘uhs’ was met by his own grunts. Gradually, my knees came closer to my shoulders. My own flexibility astounded me.

“Oh, fuck,” he exclaimed, slapping into my raised bottom.

He’d hit my tightest coils of inner muscles but also my G-spot. The desire to come flourished inside me, inviting my tender clit to climax. I feared the potent power of my orgasm. Would I be able to contain him if I came again?

“Please, please,” I begged. It was like one of his punishment fucks, except I wanted him to come, rather than concede an orgasm. I implored him to fill me, complete me. At that moment in time, we were one. The connection close to completion.

“Yes, now,” he commanded.

I wanted to buck, to thrash about, but he had me pinioned. I hung my arms around his neck as he pumped his cum into my eager pussy and I constricted about him, clenching with spasms. My delighted flesh rippled all about me, tiny waves of excited nerves, and my mouth gaped with a silent cry.

He punched his fist on the padded surface of the sunbed. I saw, through my narrow eye slits, his face contorted by his own pleasurable climax.

“Jeez,” he uttered. “That was…wow.”

My cramped legs gave out and I unraveled them then straightened them, while he slowly collapsed on me.

“Argh, you’ll crush me,” I wheezed.

With a few swift moves, we switched positions, and I found myself lying on top of Stefan with my legs tucked between his. I propped my chin on my folded arms and stared into his eyes. Under me, his chest rose and fell, still breathless from his exertions. He flicked a strand of damp hair out of my face. The warmth of the spring day filtered through the glazing, drying me on the outside. Inside, I was wet. I smiled to myself, knowing he’d planted his seed deep in my pussy.

“What?” He smacked my rump. I flinched at the sharp sting. I didn’t mind. It added to his sexual persona—a man who liked to play rough.

I remained determined to delve further into the psyche of the man who drove me crazy with lust every time he approached me. “Why do you need to be this…Dominant? Outside the bedroom, you’re a little pushy perhaps, but sex… My God, you’re a man on a mission.”

He tilted his head back and stared up at the roof beams. “I think it’s to do with my upbringing. Magda believes it is my innate desire to control things. Certain things.”

I twirled a tuft of his hairs around my forefinger. “Upbringing?” I quizzed. Would he open up to me or bury his past from view?

A sigh. His chest lifted high and slumped as he exhaled. “My parents divorced when I was young. I was six. I remember arguments, not bitter ones. There were issues about the practicalities of bringing up children in two locations. My mother didn’t want to live in Germany any longer once they split. She’d never been happy living abroad. She’d met my father when they jointly worked on a project. Some eco building. She designed the interior.”

“So you lived here and in UK? Must have been tough. Disruptive.”

“Yes.” He looked to one side. He seemed determined not to show me his eyes. “I was the piggy in the middle. Passed back and forth between increasingly distant parents. Always last-minute changes to plans when one or the other disagreed. My brother sided with my father and I with my mother. Hence, Hans stayed and naturalized to being a German.”

“How did this make you feel?” I lay my head to one side and his hairs brushed my cheek. If he found it easier not to look at me while he spoke, I would help him. I closed my eyes and listened to the solid beats of his heart.

“Unwanted. A nuisance. I didn’t take to being a teenager well. My dad threatened boarding school, believing if I wasn’t with either of them, I might stop fighting them.”

“Oh, gosh. That must have been hard.” I battled my own desire to hug Stefan, reassure him that he was important to me. However, he had to speak freely and without my emotions clouding his recollections.


He stroked my back and I tingled with the fine touch of his fingertips.

“The control thing? What about it?”

He wavered. I’d hit a nerve again.

“I don’t cope with commitment. Sex is my stress buster. I lost my virginity in my late teens. I crave the control I find when I’m in a sexual relationship with a woman. Not a good excuse, I know. It has led me to having casual sex from time to time. Sometimes with more than one woman at a time.”
