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Jack was behind him, four rows back, and Cruz, his partner, was standing in the rear of the room, giving him a nod. Rick snapped his head to the front so that his friends wouldn’t see him get emotional, for God’s sake.

Caine put his hand on Rick’s arm, said, “You okay?”


“Something happened last night. I’m gonna take a shot.”

“At what? A shot at what?”

Before the bailiff could bring in the jury, Caine was on his feet. He said to the judge, “Your Honor, I want to put a witness on the stand.”

“Didn’t you rest your case on Friday?” said the judge.

“Something came up over the weekend Your Honor. The defense wants to call Bradley Sutter.”

Rick couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Brad Sutter, the UPS guy? That guy hated him, and now Brown was going to testify for him? That was crazy.

Lewis stood up, said, “Your Honor, we know nothing about this witness—”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Lewis. Mr. Sutter was your witness. You know everything about him. Or you should.”

“I meant, I don’t know what this new testimony is about.”

“Well, that’s the nature of news breaking over the weekend, isn’t it, Mr. Lewis? I guess we’re all going to find out at the same time. Please sit down. Bailiff, please bring in the jury.”

Chapter 91

I WATCHED SUTTER come up the aisle. Last time he took the stand, I thought what a regular guy he was, how credible, what freaking bad luck for Del Rio that the UPS man with the disappearing hair and the sunburned nose was going to testify against him.

Now, Sutter looked like bad shit had happened.

Both of his eyes were blackened, his nose was swollen and bandaged, and his right arm was in a cast and a sling. He was sworn in, then he took his seat. He saw me and gave me a hard look.

I reflexively massaged the bruised knuckles of my right hand.

My brother sat in the row in front of me with his right leg crossed over his left knee. He was jiggling his foot nervously, and he wasn’t smirking. Not today.

Caine approached the witness.

“Mr. Sutter, on the night of June fourteenth, did you see Mr. Del Rio at Vicky Carmody’s house?”


“Please describe the circumstances.”

“He was coming to see Vicky.”

“And you knew that Ms. Carmody was expecting him, is that right?”

“Yes. Vicky had told me that Del Rio was coming over to return her camera.”

“Did you mention this date to someone else?”


“And whom did you tell?”

“I refuse to answer on the grounds that an attempt has been made on my life and if I say who hired me, I will be erased.”
