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She came right up to him. “So, do I get to dunk your butt tonight or what?”

He smirked. “Nope, I’m on tomorrow. But if you think you can take me down, bring it.”

She grinned and arched a brow, her look full of sass. “Oh, I’m gonna take you down all right. But for tonight, I’ll settle for you winning me lots of stuffed animals.”

He nodded. “Challenge accepted. Let’s go.”

Outside, they made for his pickup truck. When she got in, Alexa turned to him. “You know, I’m glad the carnival’s tonight. We need something happy and fun, a celebration.”

He hauled her across the seat and pressed a careful kiss to the side of her head. “Yeah, we fucking do. We all do.”

“I’m just sorry Jagger isn’t here,” she said, squeezing his thigh. It meant a lot that she thought of his brother, because he felt the same way.

“Me, too, Al. But he’s why we have to do this and do it right. We need this to be the big success he knew it could be. Tonight, we’ll celebrate brotherhood, club, and family in his honor until we can get him out of there.”

She nodded. “Thank you for everything today, Maverick. You were such a huge help and you were so good with Mom. I appreciate it.”

“No thanks required, Al. It’s what you do for someone you love.” He gave her a look.

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I adore the way that sounds.”

So did he. He started the truck. “Good. Get used to it, baby. Because nothing’s going to change it. Ever.”


I’d say we have a huge fucking success on our hands,” Maverick said, toasting with Dare and Phoenix under one of the big tents. A bunch of the Ravens had claimed a few tables where they could take turns grabbing dinner. He and Alexa had just finished eating burgers and fries, which might’ve been a bad decision given she wanted to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl.

“We can use the good news. It’s been a rough few weeks for everyone,” Dare said, looking out over the crowds filling the carnival grounds. Mav’s gaze followed, his brain half scanning for Slater, even though he knew he wasn’t there. They’d had the P.I. put a tail on him the second he left the police station, and the guy had been directed to notify them immediately if Slater came anywhere near the Ravens’ property.

Even though it wasn’t even quite dark yet, more people had shown up than they’d expected, and they’d actually had to rent out the fallow cornfield from the farmer who owned the tract of land across the street from the racetrack for additional parking. That was saying something given the crowds they often entertained on busy race nights.

From the lines in Dare’s face, it was clear that Jagger’s absence weighed on him. Dare always tended to take the burden of the club’s business—and all its members—on his shoulders. Always had. “There’ll be more good news to come, too,” Maverick said. “You know it.”

“I know, but it can’t come soon enough.” He turned to Haven, sitting next to him on the picnic table bench. “Okay, what rides have you never ridden?”

She grinned like he hung the sun and the moon just for her, and Maverick loved seeing that. His cousin deserved it. And fuck if he hadn’t seen a similar expression on Alexa’s face when she looked at him. The realization made him feel ten feet tall. “The Tilt-A-Whirl and the Sea Dragon and the spinny thing that plays the music.”

“The Gravitron?” he asked. She nodded. Did Dare turn a little green or did Mav imagine it? “Okay. It’s a plan.”

“Oh, let’s ride the Tilt-A-Whirl together,” Alexa said. The two women jumped up, excited by the idea.

“First one to hurl owes the other fifty bucks,” Maverick said as he and Dare joined the women.

Dare chuckled. “I’m too fucking old for this shit,” he said under his breath. “But I’ll ride every goddamned thing here twice if it makes her happy.”

Maverick understood the sentiment. He took Alexa’s hand, linking their fingers. “Then let’s do it. I’m curious to see what burgers and fries look like on the way back up.”

Alexa and Haven laughed.

“That’s disgusting, Maverick,” Haven said. He winked at her.

People laughed, music played, bells and buzzers rang out, lights twinkled and flashed against the nearly dark sky. Standing in line, Mav almost felt like a kid again. Hanging at a carnival on a summer night with his best friend and his girl. Life was good. Anything was possible. He slid his fingers into Alexa’s hair and kissed her, long and lingering.

“What was that for?” she asked, smiling.

“Do I need a reason to kiss you?”

“Never,” she said.

“Oh, there’s Cora,” Haven said, waving her arms.

The blonde joined them with Slider’s boys in tow.

“My main men,” Maverick said, holding up his hand for high fives. Ben jumped to hit his palm, and Sam attempted to put every bit of his strength into it. Maverick laughed at their antics.
