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“Good luck with that,” Phoenix said, sniggering.

“Hey, Dare?” she said, swallowing her nerves. “May I please have one of your cookies?”

The room got quieter in a hurry, and Alexa looked around to see what’d happened. Everyone was staring at her, then Dare. She looked back to him.

The guy’s face was serious, almost stern, and he had one eyebrow cocked and his eyes locked on her. Like he wasn’t happy. Like he was pissed. And she couldn’t believe that he—

Dare grinned and laughed. “Only because you called them mine,” he said, pushing the plate to the guy next to him to pass down. Everyone burst into laughter.

Shaking her head, Alexa had to laugh, too. Because she’d totally fallen for it.

As if he’d get pissed off over a cookie. These men had their rough edges, but they were good guys. They’d always been good to Tyler and her when she’d hung out with them years before. And everything she heard about what they did for people who needed help in the community said the same, too.

Grant looked like Mr. Respectable, and yet, behind closed doors, he wasn’t a nice person and he certainly hadn’t been good for her the way she’d convinced herself he was. Meanwhile, sometimes Maverick looked like a total grease monkey and other times like a hard-ass biker who might kill you just as soon as ask your name, and yet he was a good person, a fair person, generous and kind.

Damn. She’d totally fallen for the façade, hadn’t she? For the stereotype. Not the truth.

In not much longer than thirty-five seconds, the cookies and s’mores squares were all gone, and Alexa pitched in with the dishes. Maverick and Dare hung out while they worked, helping by putting away the bigger things as the women dried them. Alexa was glad for the time to hang out with Bunny and the girls some more, because she already liked Haven a lot and Cora seemed pretty great, too. More than once, Alexa felt Maverick’s eyes on her. Sure enough, when she gave into the urge to look, he was watching her work, his expression intense and approving. She didn’t know what to make of that, except that it made her belly flip every time.

“Hey, uh, Cora?” came a deep voice from the doorway.

As the man exchanged nods with Dare and Maverick, it took Alexa a few seconds to realize who the new Raven was. Slider. Except he didn’t look anything like the person she’d known five years before. This man seemed to carry the weight of the world on his rounded shoulders. His eyes were shuttered, his mouth was set in a grim line, and his hair was much longer and hung in a manner that made her think it’d been a long time since he’d had it cut.

“Hey,” Cora said, grabbing a paper towel to dry her hands. “I can be ready in two minutes. Do you want some dinner? I can pack up something for you.”

Not quite making eye contact, Slider shook his head.

“For the boys then?” she asked.

“They had pizza,” he said, turning for the door. “I’ll be in the truck.”

Cora sighed and squeezed Haven’s shoulder. “See you tomorrow,” she said.

“Okay,” Haven said, her gaze equal parts sad and worried.

They were all quiet for a moment after Cora left. Dare heaved a long troubled breath. Alexa’s heart hurt for the changes she saw in Slider. She’d never known him that well, but he’d always seemed happy—good to Kim and a proud dad to their two little boys. Kim had died a few years before, but clearly he was still torn apart.

“Okay, youngins, I’m beat,” Bunny said, folding a hand towel.

“Thanks for everything, Bunny,” Dare said. “Dinner was great as usual.”

“It’s my pleasure. You boys know that. Besides, these girls did most of the work.” She pulled her purse out of a cabinet in the corner and then gave a round of hugs and kisses before she left.

“I guess we’ll head out, too,” Maverick said, clasping hands with Dare. “You need anything?”

Dare shook his head. “Everything is quiet right now, which, knock on wood, will stay that way for a while.” He rapped his fist against the closest cabinet.

“Amen to that,” Mav said. “But just ask, okay? Don’t be a fucking hero all the time.” He turned to Haven. “Make him ask me for help.”

She smiled and nodded. Dare gave him a shove. “Weren’t you leaving?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Maverick said, smiling at Alexa. “Still want to see the bike I’m working on?”

“Definitely,” Alexa said. She turned to Haven and gave her a meaningful look. “Thanks for everything.” She didn’t just mean the awesome meal, but the pep talk out on the porch, the offer of friendship.

Haven seemed to understand. “You’re welcome. Maverick has my cell phone number. Give me a call anytime.” They hugged and said their good-byes.
