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Kline: I had to find one somewhere. Walter certainly isn’t filling the position.

I smiled at his ongoing battle with his cat. Every day I witnessed or heard about something else.

Me: What are you accusing my best friend of now?

Kline: I’m not accusing him of anything. I recount the facts. I went to all the trouble of fixing him a fresh bowl of milk, in the dish he likes, mind you, and the grumpy bastard took one drink and spit it out in front of me.

Me: That’s probably because you should really be giving him water, not milk. He’s probably dehydrated.

Kline: You always take his side.

Another message came before I could send a sarcastic response.

Kline: Are you standing around in your bedroom naked?

Me: Don’t try to change the subject.

Kline: I’m not. I’m merely moving on to more important subjects.

I glanced at myself in the full-length mirror on my armoire, fully dressed and about five minutes away from being ready to walk out the door.

Me: Yes, dirty boy. I am very naked.

Kline: Liar.

Me: I’ll never tell.

Kline: I’ll tell you one thing, I’m going to take your panties off with my teeth tonight. I promise you that.

Well, shit. That had me wishing the night out was just a night in…in Kline’s bed, to be specific.

Kline: We’re still going out, Benny. Finish getting ready. We’ll revisit this conversation later.

Did he suddenly become a mind reader?

Me: In your bed, later?

Kline: My bed. My couch. The floor. Against the wall. Shower. When it comes to my version of later, the sky’s the limit.

Me: See you at 8. I’ll be the girl with red lips and sexy heels.

Kline: Tease.

Me: You know it, baby ;)

“Okay, you’ve got about thirty minutes to get ready. We’re supposed to meet Kline and Will at eight. That leaves us with about an hour to grab a drink at Barcelona,” I shouted from my room as I sat on the edge of the bed, slipping on my new shoes.

“Wait…Will is going to be there?” Her amused voice echoed down the hall.

Internally, I groaned, knowing full well where this was headed. “Yes, my brother will be there.”

“I’m definitely going with the dress, then! And sky-high stilettos!”

“I hope you break an ankle!”

“Me too! That way Will and I can play doctor and naughty patient!”

“You are not banging my brother, Cass! He is off-limits!”

“When you say bang…what exactly do you mean?”

“No touching my brother!”

This was an ongoing joke between us. Cassie loved telling me how hot my older brother was. She adored him, and he mostly treated her like his little sister, but every once in a while, she could get him to play along and tease me about the two of them hooking up.

The mere idea of them together had me cringing. They’d be like oil and water. Both were far too opinionated and outspoken. If they got together, my life would implode from their bickering.

Grabbing my silver-studded clutch, I walked out into the kitchen and got my purse in order. Phone, wallet, lipstick, and keys—that’s all I’d need for the night. When it came to New York, you learned quickly that the less crap you had to carry around, the better.

Cass came strutting out a few minutes later, legs on full display beneath a form-fitting gray dress and black stilettos. She did a little twirl, grinning at me. “How do I look?”

“Tell me you have underwear on underneath that.”

“Of course I do.” She feigned offense. “I have a thong on, Georgie.”

“Go back in there—” I pointed toward the hall “—and put on another pair. Something that covers your entire ass. When you’re around my brother and dressed like that, you’d best be double bagging that shit.”

She laughed.

“I’m serious!”

“I know you are. I’m serious too. I’m real serious about getting Will naked. I guarantee his body is—”

“All right, that’s enough.” I held up my hand. “You made your point. Are we even?”

She nodded, visibly proud of herself for one-upping me. “Yes, I will forget about the Tatum incident.”

“Good.” I grabbed my clutch and headed for the door. “Eugene would be proud of you.”

She groaned behind me. “You’re an asshole.”

“Let’s go get drinks!” I shouted, fist pumping my clutch in the air.

Cass and I caught the train and made it to Barcelona in record time. We hung out for an hour, chatting and laughing and dancing for a few songs to the house band. We were one flaming Harry Potter shot and a beer deep by the time we left to meet the guys.
