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“Yes. My crazy ex.”

“Your crazy ex?” So there was a man in the picture. An ex-boyfriend.

Zack opened the car door for her after she squeezed her starter and remote key from her keychain.

“Thank you.” Blue placed the folders and her recorder on the passenger seat of her car. She turned to face Zack. “It’s nothing really. Like I said before, he was trying to get back at me for…ending our relationship and…well…”

“The man sounds like a real lowlife.” Zack’s tone was harsh. His lips curled in disgust. “What kind of man would do that to a woman?”

“Clearly not a gentleman.” Blue smiled, though Zack could see the pain in her eyes.

“You deserve better, Miss Monroe.”

She seemed surprised at his response. And a smile of appreciation graced her face.

“What is his name?”

“What? Oh, no. It doesn’t matter. Leave him be. I’m not like that.”

“Like what? Allowing people to walk all over you?”

“No. I’m not about revenge. I have better things to do with my time.”

Now it was Zack’s turn to be taken aback. His eyes widened with amusement and surprise. He’d met a lot of women in his time but many of them who were wronged had a whole lot of bitterness and revenge seeping through them, so much that it was unattractive. His stomach clenched at the audacity of his ex-girlfriend, Selina! She was a winner in that category for sure. He still had to deal with the ramifications if that sex tape ever got out! God help him.

But Blue? Heck, she was all heart. Here was a man who ruined her reputation and career and she wasn’t even the least bit interested in seeing him suffer. The very thought of Blue’s delicate, forgiving nature caused more desire to burn through Zack's body.

“You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat their enemies, Miss Monroe.”

“Well, I guess, it’s the way I was raised. Revenge is a time waster. Time is better spent trying to get ahead in life.”

“Not to mention, harboring resentment is like sipping on a glass of poison and expecting it to lead to the demise of one's wrongdoer.”

She grinned. “You’re a man of many words, Zack.”

“I’ve been there before, Miss Monroe. You get to meet all kinds of people in my line of work. And in my position. Besides, our experiences of the past are what shapes us into who were are today.”

“That’s so true,” she echoed.

“Still, it’s the ones who make the best of their experiences instead of taking the bad, who will go further in life.”

“You’re so right. There’s always two ways of dealing with the past.”

“Yes. You can become bitter or strive to become better!”

“Hey, I like that! I’m going to write that down and add that to the documentary notes.”

Zack grinned. “I’m glad you decided to set up business for yourself, Miss Monroe. I like to support anyone bettering him- or herself and creating his own path in life. Outside of this documentary that you’re filming here at the vineyard, you must let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.”

“Oh, my. Thank you. I…don’t know what to say.” Blue swallowed so hard that he could see the lump in her throat move.

The sun in the sky was beaming, a vibrant orange hue amongst the clouds. The breathtaking scenery made it hard to want to go indoors. Zack felt as if he could stay talking with this woman until the sun set. He was actually enjoying her company. Enjoying her aura. Her mannerisms. Her thoughts.

He couldn’t remember the last time he was so entertained in the company of a beautiful woman before.

In the past, women often flirted with him and were after his body and his wallet, not about conversations about daily life, living, politics, socializing. Nothing like that. This was…refreshing. For Pete's sake, he’d been saying goodbye to this woman for what? The last twenty minutes? And she didn’t seem to want to get to where she was going any time soon either.

“I’m really glad to leave the media. Trust me.”


“Well, I’ve made one too many enemies,” she laughed humorlessly.
