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“Blue’s an intriguing name.”

“Thank you. My mother’s favorite artist was…” Blue almost choked trying to utter the words. It was so painful to think about Mom. Even now. “Picasso, so I'm Blue, after his Blue Period.” She finished her sentence, almost inaudibly.

“Is everything, okay?” Zack asked in a deep, low voice as if he was in tune with her every word, her every tone. Blue really had to be careful around him. She had to keep her emotions in check. She realized that now.

“Yes,” she said softly, trying to bring her confidence up a notch. “Mother always told me that Blue was synonymous energy and it also meant calm and relaxation.”

“You don’t seem relaxed,” Zack observed as he stopped walking after they’d reached the plush garden shed cottage. “If you’re going to work with me, Blue, as much as I like your aura, you’ll need to remain focused on what you’re doing. Is that going to be a problem?”

She shook her head. But tears were beginning to form in her tear ducts. “I just had a really busy morning, sir. But I-"

Zack held up his hand to silence her. “Firstly, we’ll cut the formalities. Around here, we’re on a first name basis.”

A grin of amusement touched his lips. “I’ll be the exception when I deem it necessary, Miss Monroe.” His voice was deep and rich, and so smooth it slid down her spine with a tingle. Was he playing games with her? Was he saying he didn’t want them to be on a first name basis? Or he didn’t want use a first name when addressing her? What was with him?

Whatever it was, Zack caused a reaction in her like she’d never experienced. She was addicted to him with just one taste of his presence and that was going to be a problem. She knew it. She could feel it. But she had to get on with the job and focus. She already had a crazy ex-boyfriend in her personal-life portfolio. She didn’t want or need another one. She knew of Zack Romero’s reputation with women. He was the scream-out-loud sexual pleaser who didn’t do seconds! She was not going to be another notch on his king-sized bedpost. She assumed he would have a giant bed with silky, expensive fabric and a room with naughty seductive adult toys, probably.

Blue shook her head trying to push the thought out of her mind. How awful to judge this man based solely on his reputation and what was said about him. Even having worked in the media, she knew too well, not every sound bite was captured. There was always more to a story. Always.

But for now, it seemed as if he were making it clear. She would only be Miss Monroe to him. A worker. A contractor. And…to her private disappointment, she could be nothing more to him.

Later that day, after touring the premise, assisting in the vineyard and doing tons of paperwork, Zack and Blue walked through the enchanted-looking garden leading to the driveway where her car was parked. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call a car? It’s been a long day. You look pretty beat.”

“Oh, no. I can get myself home, thank you.”

“You know, it’s interesting that you left your job at Channel 31. I thought you were the most annoying reporter there, but you were gifted. You often got to the heart of a story.”

She turned around looking stunned and surprised, her folders clutched to her chest. “Annoying?”

He grinned. “In a good way, Miss Monroe. People in my position never like to see media personnel swimming around their fish bowl.”

She laughed. The wind swept her dark, beautiful strands of hair into her face and he automatically brushed the tresses away before she could. Her hands, after all, were full. An electric surge rushed between them. He wanted to touch more than her hair. He wanted to lower his head to hers and press his mouth to her sweet berry lips.

He realized then that he probably shouldn’t have done that. Her eyes widened. But a look of amazement flashed in them. Was she blushing?

“Sorry. Your hands were full.” His voice came out more authoritative and rigid than he intended.

She chuckled sheepishly. “Thank you. And to answer your question, I didn’t leave Channel 31. They fired me.”

“Fired you? Oh. Because of that debacle with your cell phone?”
