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“Oh?” Zack wanted to hear more. The woman was more intriguing every moment he spent with her.

“Yes. This is her last day of summer school. We always discuss her day at school and I don’t want to bail out on her tonight.”

“I see. That’s very noble of you, Miss Monroe. You’re a wonderful big sister. One that every sibling should have.”

The woman appeared embarrassed and he could see her cheeks turning rouge. “Well, I’m just doing what’s right.” Blue turning him down for a dinner date after their passionate kiss spoke volumes about her character. He loved that she as not an easy woman. And he delighted more in the fact that she had integrity and she had her priorities straight.

“What about your parents? You never mentioned them.”

She looked down. He wondered why the hell he was prying into her personal life. For God’s sake, she was his employee. Nothing more. She could be nothing more. Yet, something about her was too compelling for him to pass up the chance.

Was his grandfather right about him? Was he too controlled by the addictive sexual magic of having a beautiful woman in his arms and underneath him in bed?

But this one seemed oddly, different.

He was more than interested in having Miss Monroe in his bed. He wanted to get inside her mind. Her soul. He wanted to know everything about this woman. And he didn’t know why. What had gotten into him all of a sudden? This wasn’t usually his style. He cared deeply for people. But when it came to attraction, he had often had only one thing on his mind. But not now. He felt, oddly, drawn to Miss Monroe.

“They’re no longer around,” she said softly, her eyes filled with sorrow.

“I’m truly sorry, Miss Monroe.” His gut twisted inside. He could see pain flash in those beautiful dark brown eyes of hers. The large chocolate eyes framed by adorable black curled lashes.

Call it the Romero bloodline in him. The fact that his name meant protector but he wanted to comfort her. He sensed there was a whole lot more to her parents being just "no longer around."

“It’s okay. It was…a couple years ago.”

“Was it an accident?”

She pressed her lips together firmly and shifted in her seat before answering him. “I don’t know.”

His brows drew together. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

“The police said it was accidental. But the original fire marshal report suspected arson.”

“So you think someone may have tried to kill your parents? Why?”

“I…I don’t know. I really don’t want to get too much into it right now. I…”

“I’m sorry to probe. I was concerned.”

“Oh, no. Please. I’m glad you asked. I mean, thank you for your concern. I…I’d better go now.”

He nodded politely and in a gentlemanly fashion rose as she, too, got up from her seat.


Blue drove down the main road heading into the city, still breathing hard. Her mind was reeling with delight from the passionate kiss with Zack, the electric sensation dancing through her body. She could not believe what had just transpired.

Zack Romero. The notorious playboy with a hard-ass body.

Have mercy, Lord. This man is simply exquisite in every way. Unforgettable. That’s what this day will be. Unforgettable.

She pressed her right foot on the gas, glancing at the display clock on her dashboard of her Ford. She also caught the fuel gauge and realized she should have filled up her tank before leaving Mayberry Hill. But it would only be another thirty-five minutes before she would be back in the city. She could refuel at the station near her apartment. The sky was turning a musk color as the late afternoon turned to early evening. Her cell phone buzzed and she instinctively reached for it on her seat. She often placed it by her seat when she was driving so she could see the display in case it was a call from her sister. Whenever she left the phone in her purse while driving, she would let it ring so that she didn't end up taking her eyes off the road to fish for it.

Of course, she could just learn to use her Bluetooth, which would solve all matters.

The caller was an unknown number. Again. She carefully kept her eyes on the road while reaching over and grabbing the phone then hitting the answer button and speaker option.
