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“Hello?” she answered but the caller hung up.


It had happened quite a few times in the past week alone. She wondered if it was a wrong number and the person on the other end of the line realized it then dialled the intended number.

Blue shrugged then replaced the phone on the passenger seat. There were very few cars on this stretch of road going into the city. It wasn’t a very busy road considering. But she didn’t mind being able to drive to the limit with little traffic on the road. The window of her Ford was cracked open and the breeze from the speed of the vehicle whisked her hair and cooled her skin. The air conditioner wasn’t working so she was glad to have the gentle breeze from outside.

She enjoyed clear summer days. Blue relished in the thought of no cares for a change. She guessed the magic of excitement did that to a person. Inner excitement over having this wonderful opportunity to work with her new boss—or client, however she looked at it. This was her first major assignment since starting her fledgling production company.

Zack Romero.

“God, you’re incredible, Zack,” she said to herself, grinning from ear to ear.

Blue's mind drifted back to his alluring face and delicious appeal. Oh, if only she could be with a man like that. She knew that was farfetched. He clearly was a bachelor for life. She’d read about him beforehand. He had given interviews a while back about not being a marrying man. Not that she could possibly have a chance with him.

But, oh, he kissed her. It was as if a part of him stayed with her. The soft tingle of his lips on hers was pleasantly memorable. Zack Romero had kissed her.

Zack had a compelling presence. Mesmerizing. He had that special something about him. Blue couldn’t quite put her finger on it. But it wasn’t often she met a man who had that raw electrical effect on her. When he shook her hand earlier in the day, there was a surge of power that coursed through her veins. The man oozed charisma from every pore of his body. His hands were strong yet smooth. His eyes, so captivating. She had a chance to finally be up close with him and her body reacted in such a surprising way. Her mind turned to scrambled eggs for one thing. All she could do was gush uncontrollably at his masculine sexiness, his delicious scent, his gorgeous features and strong, tall athletic body.

He was like something out of a magazine, a Hollywood blockbuster action film or something, but not real life. Yet the feelings that pulsed through her body being with him, so close to touch, were mind-blowing. He made her feel giddy with lust all of a sudden.

Blue’s crazy ex-boyfriend, Elliot, her former colleague at Channel 31 News, never had that kind of effect on her. There was never any spark, one she’d always read about, with Elliot. She really liked him then. Sure, he was a fair kisser and she enjoyed being around him when they’d first started dating, until she realized that he was a real actor, not a journalist. The guy turned out to be a creep, an emotionally abusive, jealous dude who didn’t want her to have any friends. He’d always criticized her weight and told her to lose her "baby fat" and she’d be fine. Her friends at the station warned her that he was seeing other people and she never believed it until she saw it with her own eyes. She’d caught him necking a fellow co-worker in the lunchroom after hours when most people had left the office.

When she tried to end it with him, he turned all crazy on her. Kept calling her and hanging up, telling her co-workers all sorts of crazy lies.

Blue shuddered at the thought. The past was the past. It was dead and gone. Why bring up a dead memory to haunt the present?

Blue was so past that. She had learned to move on earlier. A bit of Yoga and positive thinking exercises really helped pulled her through it all. Of course, the last draw was the cell phone recorder fiasco that cost her a job at the station but now she realized it was a blessing in sweet disguise. She’d never been happier to be her own boss, however challenging it was at times.

Blue remembered reading somewhere in one of her self-help books about when you keep on the positive side of things, you realize nothing happens to you, it happens for you. She wanted to believe that the universe would be good to her. She’d been through so much painful hell, it was insane. Losing her parents still caused her heart to ache as if someone had taken a knife to her and left it impaled in her chest.
