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“It’s nice, anyway,” Courtney continued with a full mouth.

“What’s nice?”

“Seeing you…what’s the word, happy for a change, sis. I like to see you happy. You deserve it.”

Blue fought to keep her eyes from misting. She reached across the table and squeezed her sister’s hand lovingly. Courtney squeezed her hand back. They’d been through hell and back since the death of their parents.

“I’m glad that both of us can be happy, Courtney.”

Blue didn’t know how long this would last with Zack, but for now, she was content.


“Channel 31 News, Elliot speaking.”

“Hi,” the sultry voice sounded on the other end. “I’m…My name is Selina and I was told I could reach this desk to provide…um…a scoop.”

Elliot became attentive to the phone caller and peeled his eyes away from the screen of his laptop while he sat in his office. It wasn’t all the time that he got “scoops” coming to his news desk since he’d been demoted to covering local community news.

“I’m listening. What type of scoop do you have, Selina, is it?”

“Yes. I can’t talk over the phone. Can we meet in person?”

An hour later, Elliot was seated in his office opposite a voluptuous woman with streaked blond wavy hair and bright red lipstick. She looked like a tanned version of the late Guess Jeans model, Anna Nicole Smith. Her eyes were stunning. But Elliot detected a lot of pain in them. What the hell was this about?

“Well, I have some revealing information about a very prominent family and well, the tape is all yours for the right price.”

Elliot leaned forward, bursting with curiosity. “What family?” Clearly, he didn’t want anyone wasting his time or teasing him with probably fake information.

“An indecent night in a Vegas hotel room, should I say,” the woman raised a brown, her lips pressed into a thin line.

The woman proceeded to tell Elliot about the contents of the tape.

She was jilted. Hurt. She was getting back at her ex.

“Wow,” Elliot said, scratching his head. “You still haven’t told me the person involved.”

“Romero. Zack Romero.”

Elliot felt his heart give out. His jaw fell open. “Zack Romero!”

He swallowed hard. His heart was thrashing against his rib cage. His mind flashed back to that night. That thuggish mob-like guy who barged into this apartment, warning him about troubling Blue.


No way in hell was he going to touch this one with the proverbial ten-foot pole.

“Do yourself a favour, lady. Run the other way. And burn that tape.”

“What?” Selina looked incredulous.

She looked the same way Elliot felt inside. What the hell was he doing? Throwing away a potentially huge story. The decent and well-respected Romero men always made headlines with their sexual escapades. But now? He had taped proof. This could go viral. But hell no! It just wasn’t worth it. And if Blue really was seeing this guy—which he had no proof that was the case, she could get hurt as well. Not that he cared too much but deep down inside, he knew he’d really screwed up with Blue. He’d treated her like shit! He knew that now. If he could only make it up to her. She really didn’t deserved to be hurt any more.

“Listen, what is it that you really want? You know you could get hurt just as much as he could with this…tape. Not everyone with a sex tape gets paid and lands a reality show and finds fame. It could backfire big time and cause permanent damage to your rep. Do you really want to do that?”

Selina bit her lip and looked out the window behind him.

“Listen, besides, our news shows don’t really get into that kind of stuff. It’s not like he’s running for office or a married man or anything…um…Selina, right?”

“You have a bad memory for names,” was all she said, before getting up. “Thanks for wasting my time.”

She slammed the door behind her with such a force that it rattled the frame.

Elliot leaned back in his chair. He had no idea what just happened or how the hell she found him. Heck, for all Elliot knew, the Romeros could have set this up to catch him. Maybe it was a trap. Entrapment. Well, it didn’t work, if that was the case.
