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He got back to his computer screen, downloading intriguing pics of women scantily dressed in sportswear bikinis. Heck, he was on break. He needed something to take his mind off his stress. Sometimes it was better to look at women and not get involved.

He just couldn’t take that kind of trouble right now.


“I’m not to be disturbed, Venus,” Zack said through the intercom.

“Sure thing, Zack,” Venus's cheerful voice boomed through the speakers. “Oh, and just a reminder that I’ll be going on break soon.”


Zack sat in his office typing away at his notes on his laptop. He hated to be distracted when he was working on his notes for his upcoming agenda. He needed his full concentration. He was figuring out a new direction for his winery program and wanted to do a detailed proposal. There were some things he assigned to his assistants. But others he preferred to take matters into his own hands.

The doorknob turned and Zack looked up annoyed. Usually, Venus knocked first. Only it wasn’t Venus.



“How did you get in here?” he said, his tone clipped. He rose to his feet, jaw clenched. The nerve of that woman!

“Relax, Zack,” Selina said in a low voice. “They’re doing a tour at the winery, remember. It’s open to the public.”

“Then you can leave the same way you came in.”

“Zack, Zack, my baby, Zack.” Selina smirked as she sashayed up to him. “I don’t want things to be bad between us, Zack,” Selina whispered in her throaty voice. This time it had no effect on Zack whatsoever. He was so over Selina. He was not addicted to her the way he was before. She used to have some sexual magic power over him but after being with Blue, nothing compared.

“Where’s the tape, Selina?” Zack demanded in a cool voice, his hands shoved in the pockets of his pants, his chin tilted up.

Selina feigned innocence. “What tape?”

“Don’t test my patience, Selina.”

“Okay. I’ve had a change of heart.”

“I didn’t realize you had a heart.”

“Ouch. Now that really hurt. Okay, so I deserve that, Zack. I’m here to offer a truce, Zack. I just…want to be friends with you. I promise you, I won’t try to sell that magical time we had together in Vegas. That will be our little…” she murmured as she leaned over to him, her lips close to his but Zack was not responsive to her. “Secret,” she finished her sentence.

Selina unhooked the shirt dress she was wearing and it dropped to the floor. My God! She was stark naked under there.

She wrapped her arms around Zack and slid her hands through his jacket, trying to wiggle it off. “It’s over, Selina, please get don’t do this to yourself. Get your clothes back on.”

“What? No way. Mr. Playboy refusing this? What? Have you turned gay on me, Zack?”

“Do you think because a man is decent enough to not have sex with you at the drop of a hat, he’s automatically gay? Please, you're embarrassing yourself!” He tilted his head back and chuckled.

Selina was taken aback, fury flared in her eyes.

She hugged her hands around his neck and pulled him to her. “I know you want me. I don’t care what you say.” She forced a kiss on his lips.

“Oh, God!” a voice cried out behind them. It was Blue.

“Oh, fuck, no!” Zack hollered, biting down on his lip. “Blue. It’s not what it looks like.”

“How could you….I…?” Blue’s eyes were tearful, getting red.

Selina was clearly enjoying the little "misunderstanding." Oops!

“It’s okay, honey. It was only sex, nothing more.”

Blue stormed out and stumbled down the hall. Tears blinded her. Zack tried to reach out to her but Selina held him back. He literally picked up Selina and placed her over by the table to move her out of his way. Blue had managed to make her way to the driveway.

A pretty, scratch that, a gorgeous naked woman was in his office, kissing him. A note was on the reception desk outside his office that he was not to be disturbed! Shit! How the hell could Zack explain this all to Blue?
