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Blue pressed her foot on the gas pedal as she sped down the country road leading out of Mayberry Hill. Her heart was palpitating in her chest.

Oh, what a fool I was.

To think that Zack. To think Zack and I…

Who could blame him? He was just like all the rest. Liars. Cheats! But…what about all that talk? That felt so real. The way he made her feel was real. She should have listened to him but the pain was far too great. Did he think she was an idiot?

The horrible memories of Elliot came rushing to her mind.

Blue caught Elliot near the water cooler with his hand up Emily’s dress, making out with her against the wall. “Oh, fuck, Blue! It’s not what it looks like,” were the words that flew out of Elliot’s mouth and stabbed her like a knife to her heart.

So that was what men called it now? “Not what it looks like?” Well, it sure looked like she’d been taken in one too many times.

Just then a silver sedan drove up near her car. Was it Zack in one of his fancy cars? She couldn’t tell the model or the make. The windows were tinted dark.

She felt her heart pound hard against her rib cage again. Something told her, it probably wasn’t Zack.

This couldn’t possibly be déjà vu.

Her car suddenly sputtered and the engine light came on. Crap! She was supposed to stop by the gas station to fill up the tank. She had planned to do so but had left her bag at the winery office and had returned earlier to grab it. That’s when she decided to surprise Zack in his office. But, oh, the surprise was on her, wasn’t it?

Her car slowed. It was grinding and tilted to the side.

Crap! She’d probably run over a nail in the road. She had a flat tire, too! Great!

One of the things she was going to do was get a new car. But her father purchased this old car for her. It held such sentimental value to her.

But that wasn’t going to help her now. Blue hopped out of the driver’s side door and went quickly to the trunk to grab the spare tire and jack. Her father had taught her how to change her own tire if she needed to do so if stranded out and about. She had the tools inside her trunk. But before she could reach into it, a man grabbed her from behind and covered her face with a cloth.

Blue passed out.


Blue woke up, dazed. Where was she? Her head hurt like hangover hell. What the heck had she inhaled in that cloth? Well, she at least remembered that much.

She was in a hospital room.

“You okay?” Zack’s soothing voice called to her. His hand was on her forehead gently stroking her head.

“Zack, what happened?” she groaned.

“It’s okay; luckily we got to the scene in time.”

“Who was that?”

“I guess you were right about that ex-Senator guy.”


“He was the one who had this all set up. He was trying to…hurt you.” Zack’s tone was serious, void of emotion. It chilled her to hear him speak in that voice. But he was visibly upset as much as she was.

Zack got up from the side of the bed. It looked as if he’d been there all night. It was three o’clock in the morning. She was at the county hospital.

“Why did you do that, Blue? You just ran off without letting me explain. And you could have gotten yourself hurt out there,” he said, looking out the window at the darkness with the city lights. He heaved a sigh.


“Blue, I would kill myself before I hurt you like that, do you understand me? I used to be lady’s man, but I would never have two women at the same time. Not all men are like that, Blue.”

“Elliot was.”

Zack swallowed. His Adam’s apple bobbed in this throat. “I’m sorry about what happened between you and that idiot guy, Blue. I’m not an idiot. Romeros don’t play that game. We’re raised to have respect for our women.”

“God, I know how it must have looked, Blue,” Zack said in a low voice, leaning against the seat by the window. Zack explained the whole story about Selina and the videotaped recording.

“Oh, no. That’s….terrible!” she said, digesting the details.

“I know. But it’s over between us and it has been for a long time now. I just wanted her to get help.”
