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“Do you think she’s made copies? Do you think she’ll ever?”

“She handed over the tape to me. I have to trust the universe that nothing stupid will show up somewhere online in the future. But in the meantime I don’t live in the fear of what may never be. Worry never solves anything.”

“I know.” Blue grinned. She was happy to be okay with Zack again. She went crazy out of her mind thinking that they’d been torn apart. She needed him, craved him, desired him to be in her life, forever!

“Blue, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before in my life.”

“I…I know.”

“How do you really know?”

“Your grandfather shared quite a bit about you.” She grinned sheepishly.

Zack responded with a smile. “Yeah, my old man is something, isn’t he?”

“You mean, your old grandfather.” Blue cocked a brow teasing him back.

“Seriously, though. You know a lot about me and I want to know everything there is about you. I need to know that there are no surprises, Blue. I love you, and quite frankly, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Blue sat up on the bed, her heart gushing. What had he just said? “You…you do?”

“I can’t stop thinking about you, Blue. I don’t think I can not have you in my life. We’re meant to be together.”

“I feel the same way about you, too, Zack. I love you so much,” she said, leaning into his firm chest, feeling the warmth and positive energy from him rushing through her body. His currents racing through her.

“Now, why didn’t you tell me about that former senator, Aitkin?”

Blue pulled her head away from him to look deep into his eyes. Tears stinging her eyes. “That he’s a creep, a lowlife and a wife-cheater?”

“No,” Zack said, leaning closer to her. “That he’s your father.”


Blue covered her face with her hands. She recomposed herself and then got up.

“I…It’s a long story, Zack.”

“I have all night, Blue. If we’re going to be together, I need to know everything. You believe he had something to do with killing your parents, right?”

“Well, no. I mean, yes.” Blue drew in a deep breath. She was shaking. Zack motioned to hug her but she stopped him. “I’m fine.”

She sat up on the chair and told him everything. Blue’s mother worked for the senator and his family as a domestic. He then later seduced her mother. Her mother fell pregnant the same time as the senator’s wife. Of course, this would have caused great scandal to the family and the senate.

So naturally, Blue’s mother married the man who she grew up to know as her father. As far as Blue was concerned the parents who raised her were her real parents—her only true parents.

“So in other words, you had proof the man was a liar and a cheat,” Zack clarified, a disgusted look on his face. “You were the proof. And he wanted to silence you.”

She nodded solemnly. “My father, my adopted father who is Courtney’s real dad, lost his job and he decided to blackmail the senator into supporting all of us since he was my biological dad. You see, only Dad knew the real secret. He’d met and married my mom when she was already two months pregnant with me.”

“I see.”

“I think he planned to get rid of all of us to cover his tracks but he couldn’t do it himself, so he got others to try to do the dirty work.”

“Well, you will no longer have to worry about him.”


“He was questioned by police last night. They got a confession out of the thug who tried to kidnap you.”

“Oh.” Blue felt as if she would faint.

“Don’t worry about your family name. My men are on the case. The senator doesn’t want any more embarrassment than you do. And your mother’s—your parents’ good name will be protected. We’re seeing to it that nothing gets out in the news. I think he’s going to accept a plea bargain on this count. Apparently, leading a double life wasn’t his only pastime.”

“I see.”

“Listen,” Zack’s voice changed, “we're not going to let anything bother us tonight, right? Let’s have a good night sleep in…” Zack looked around at the modest size hospital room.
