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“What’s on your mind, baby?” Lucas asked in a low voice as if he could read her mind.

“Nothing. I just…I enjoy being with you, Lucas.”

“I enjoy you, too, Maxine. In fact, I can’t get enough of you. I want to be with you more than anything else right now.”

Maxine gushed. So where did this leave them?

Lucas and Maxine spent the rest of the evening talking and away from the party crowd. He’d made her a wicked western omelet in the kitchen of the cottage and they dined by the fireplace and sipped on sweet red wine only to make love again later into the night.

She’d gotten to learn a lot more about Lucas and his family and his hopes and dreams and the way he’d felt about her for a long time. She cherished the moment. Not realizing how stupid she’d been not to have seen the signs before. He really liked her, didn’t he? Since Lucy and Antonio’s wedding. And this wasn’t just about flirting with the next pair of legs. He really had feelings for her. Maxine had never gotten this kind of attention from a man before. Not even her ex gave her this sort of love and devotion. Lord, she did not know what she was missing this whole time.


Three months spun by and Maxine felt as if she had everything under control for the first time in her life. Her new receptionist and secretarial replacement from the temp agency was a fabulous, hard-working older woman who really meshed well with Dream Weddings, Inc.

The new software had some minor teething problems and glitches during the first month up and running but before long Lucas’s team helped her set things back on track and business was running smoothly and flowing well once again.

Lucy and Antonio’s baby was due any day so the family was excited about the new addition to the Romero dynasty on the horizon.

Maxine was so grateful to Lucas for everything. And since it was his birthday, she was all too glad to take him out for a special dinner for once. Just the two of them.

She discovered with the help of Lucy a renowned plush restaurant in the entertainment district that was exclusive.

“Thank you, Maxine, but you didn’t have to do this. I actually do enjoy your cooking.” Lucas grinned. He sat across the table from her and had the most beautiful glow on his handsome features from the soy candle in the cozy booth.

She scowled playfully at him. “Very funny, Lucas.” He knew full well that she was no Martha Stewart in regards to cuisine. Still, he appreciated her and often showed her stuff he’d learned with preparing certain dishes. Imagine that! He loved her in spite of her imperfections.

“Well, now what should we order?” Maxine picked up the velvet-covered menu.

He looked lovingly into her eyes but did not move. He just gazed intently.

When she opened the menu she was stunned that a silk flower slid out. It looked remarkably similar to the one from the bouquet she’d caught at Lucy’s wedding. Her heart pounded hard in her chest.

“But…what is this?” she asked and picked up the flower. Lucas was grinning from ear to ear across the table from her. Did he know? But how could he have known where she’d take him for his birthday?

“I don’t get it. Did you put this here? Why?” Oh, right. She forgot that she mentioned it to him last week.

“Well, you caught the bouquet at Antonio’s wedding and I caught the garter. So it was only natural.”

A lump climbed in her throat. She didn’t think she’d be able to breathe again. “What?” she whispered before picking up the flower and taking a closer look. Her heart almost gave out. She reached into the flower and pulled out the most beautiful diamond ring she’d ever seen in her life.

She felt weak, dizzy with excitement. Stunned beyond belief. Her eyes widened as she looked at Lucas with tears misting her eyes.

Lucas got up from where he was seated and went to Maxine's side of the table. He knelt on one knee. Maxine was about to faint.

“I never thought I would ever get married until the day I met you, Maxine. You brought such an unbridled joy to my life that I can never be the same without you with me. I love you. I honor you and I treasure you. Maxine Summers, will you do me the honors of being my loving wife?” he asked humbly.
