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dy to go home. Not yet. Not without answers.

A message dinged on her phone. It was from Bianca.

Thank goodness. We’ve been wondering if we’d ever hear from you.

Sorry. I just need some time to do this on my own.

Gia’s thoughts turned to Ric. Maybe not exactly on her own, but she wasn’t ready to tell her sister about Ric.

Everything is good. Tell Enzo not to worry. I just need some space.

Have you found your father?

Not yet.

Gia had to keep glancing up to make sure she didn’t run into anyone or walk into a lamppost.

But soon.

Is there anything I can do?

Talk to Enzo. Let him know I’m okay. But I can’t come home yet.

I’ll try. He’s worried about you. We both are.

I love you.

I love you too.

Gia slipped her phone back in her purse.

“Everything okay?” Ric’s voice drew her from her thoughts.

“Um...yes. It was just my sister. She hadn’t heard from me in a while and was worried.”

“I’m surprised she isn’t here with you.”

Gia shrugged. “It’s complicated.”

“How so?” When she didn’t immediately answer, he said, “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

She shook her head. “It’s okay. I’ve certainly insinuated myself into your life.”

“You had a reason,” he said. “You thought I could help you figure out your past.”

“Sadly, we aren’t related.” She glanced his way. “Or perhaps we’re lucky the way things worked out.”

What had she gone and said that for? Heat rushed to her cheeks. She was flirting with him? She pressed her lips together before she could say more.

“Maybe you’re right. Otherwise it’d be quite inappropriate if I were to, say, kiss you.”

“You want to kiss me?” There she went again, saying the wrong things. She should have pretended that she hadn’t heard him, but how did you pretend you didn’t hear something like that?

They were alone on a side street when Ric stopped and turned to her. “Would you like me to kiss you?”


She struggled to hold back her answer.
