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Their gazes met and held. There was definite interest reflected in his eyes. “It sounds like you’re the one with kissing on your mind.”

A deep growl rattled in his throat. “I have a whole lot more than kissing on my mind.”

She hadn’t been expecting him to say that. His words melted her insides into a heated ball of need. Would it be wrong if she were to fall into his arms right now?

She stifled a frustrated sigh. Probably. She couldn’t—she wouldn’t—be one of those women who threw themselves at him.

But would that be so bad? After all, he was the one who had opened this door. Or had she? Either way, she was more than willing to yank that door wide open and march right through the opening and into his arms—

“You’re smiling,” he said, cutting right through her daydream. “Must mean you like the idea.”

Oh, yes, she did. A car honk from farther down the block startled her back to reality. The voice of reason reminded her that they weren’t out and about on this gorgeous sunny morning to fall in love. Wait. Where had that thought come from?

She swallowed hard. She was not falling for him. No way. Admiring his sexy good looks was one thing, but anything beyond that was off-limits. Because no one could truly love her until she knew the truth about herself. She reinforced the walls around her heart with sheer determination.

She wouldn’t let herself be vulnerable again. Not even for someone as kind and amazing as Ric. Because whenever she found her father—whoever it might be—she couldn’t stand for Ric to look at her differently, to push her away.

In that moment she knew the flirting had to stop. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin to look into his dark and mysterious eyes, but then she realized her mistake as her movements had only succeeded in bringing her closer—much closer—to his tempting lips.

If she were to lean forward ever so slightly, their lips would meet. And then she’d lean into his arms. He’d pull her closer. And as his mouth moved over hers, they’d get lost in the moment.

Desire flashed in his eyes. Did he know she was fantasizing about him—wanting him? Her heart hitched in her chest.

No. No. No! Get a grip girl. You are here on a mission. Don’t get sidetracked.

She stifled a frustrated sigh. Was it wrong that she wanted both? A summer fling with Ric and to be united with her father. Probably. One couldn’t be greedy.

Stay focused.

With great reluctance, she pulled back. “We should keep going.”

He hesitated for a moment, but when she moved past him to continue down the sidewalk, he fell in step beside her. All the while, she couldn’t help wondering what would have happened if she had given in to her desires and kissed him back there. Where would things have gone between them?

And when it was over, what would happen? Would she just be one more conquest for him? After all, he could practically have his pick of women. There were certainly enough of them willing to be with him.

She didn’t like the thought of just being another notch on his bedpost. And she didn’t like the thought of him turning to another woman with that devilish grin that made his eyes twinkle with unspoken promises of passion.

But there was no point dwelling on it. She wasn’t in Lapri for fun and romance. She was here to find out who she was and get to know her father—a father who’d been kept from her. She had to right the past before she could contemplate the future.

* * *

The old book had been searched.

Every entry regarding his uncle’s house had been analyzed for clues.

And they were still no closer to locating Gia’s biological father.

“I’m sorry,” Ric said. All the while his mind raced, searching for something they’d missed.

Deep sadness filled Gia’s eyes. “This isn’t supposed to be this hard.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. It doesn’t appear the prior owner has any living relatives.”

“But how am I supposed to find my father? I just know he was in that house. It’s the only reason my mother would have that address in her journal on the page that speaks of him.”

A woman working at the counter gave them dirty looks for making noise. Even though this was a government office, it was much like a library where speaking was frowned upon.

“Come on,” he said. “Let’s get out of here.”

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