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And so after the disastrous dinner with Mr. Grosso, she’d made a phone call. Her mother’s family had been vastly wealthy with old money. With great wealth came numerous contacts, and there was someone who had been in Gia’s life as a child. He was more like an honorary uncle.

However, when she’d initially made the phone call to his office, as she didn’t have his personal contact information after all these years, she was informed that he was out. So she’d left a message for him.

Today, he’d gotten back to her. He was willing to meet with her and Ric to discuss Ric’s program. She hadn’t given out any specific details about it, per Ric’s prior request, just enough to pique the man’s interest. But the catch was that they’d have to meet with him in Rome. Would Ric be agreeable?

She hoped to catch him before he left for work. She rushed out of her bedroom and practically ran into him in the hallway. She came to an abrupt halt on her tiptoes to keep from crashing into him.

His hands immediately wrapped around her waist as though to steady her. As her hands came to rest on his broad shoulders, her heart pounded harder. It was then that time seemed to suspend itself as they stared at each other.

They’d been here before, but it felt like a lifetime ago. She missed him touching her, feeling his lips move over hers. Her gaze dipped to his lips. It’d be so easy to lean forward and press her mouth to his. Every cell in her body longed to do just that.

And then she heard his voice echo in her head: Can you just give me a little time?

The memory cooled her mood. She pulled back, breaking the connection between them. She swallowed hard and struggled to regain her composure.

Her gaze didn’t quite meet his. “I was just coming to find you.”

“Funny. I was looking for you, too. I have news.”

Her heart leaped into her throat. Could this be it? Could this be the moment she’d been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to hear?

“Is it my father?”

Ric smiled. “It is. We found him.”

“You did?” She didn’t wait for his response, she threw herself at Ric, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her body molded to his body as though they were two halves of a whole.

The jolt of awareness that zinged through her body snapped her out of her state of euphoria. And as much as she loved being this close to Ric, it wasn’t right. He had to want her—all of her—before they could move in this direction.

She pulled back. “Sorry. I was just so excited. I was beginning to think this day would never come.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.”

“Where is he? When can I see him?” She glanced down at her scruffy work clothes that she’d been planning to wear to paint the villa. “I can’t meet him dressed like this. I have to change.”

When she went to turn back to her room, Ric reached out, gently grabbing her arm. “Slow down. He’s not here.”

She turned back. “Where is he?”

“In Rome.”


Ric nodded. “He’s a high-powered business banker.”

“Then I need to book a flight—”

“No, you don’t. We’ll take my private jet.”

“Are you sure?”

He nodded. “I already phoned ahead. It will be fueled and waiting for us.”

“You’re going with me?”

He nodded. “We’ve been through this whole journey together. I’d like to be there for you when it ends—or begins, depending on how you look at it.”

“Thank you.” Tears of joy clouded her eyes. She was about to meet her biological father. She was about to have a parent again. “Thank you for everything.”
