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They agreed to leave for the airport in a half hour. It’d give Gia enough time to call her contractor and let him know she’d be away for a while—maybe forever if all worked out like she wanted. And it gave her time to pack.

Ric said that he would ask his housekeeper watch over the dogs. He said it wouldn’t be hard, as the housekeeper had a soft spot in her heart for them. Seemed like the furry duo had everyone wrapped around their paws. They were so adorable.

Once Gia reached her room, she grabbed her phone. First, she texted her brother and sister, letting them know that she’d found her father—or rather that Ric had tracked him down. Her siblings sent good wishes, eager to know more about the man.

Next, she texted her family friend, letting him know that a spur of the moment trip was sending them to Rome and asked if they could meet for dinner. Her friend agreed and suggested tonight. She hesitated. Not sure how her first meeting with her biological father would go, she asked her friend if she could let him know later in the day. He agreed.

She couldn’t believe it. Her biological father was finally found. Excitement pumped through her veins as she rushed around her room, packing all her stuff—unsure if she’d ever return.

But what if her father didn’t want to know her? Fear clutched her heart. As quickly as the horrid thought came to her, she dismissed it. Things had to work out for the best. She needed to find her happy ending.

* * *

He was worried.

And he didn’t know what to do about it, which was so unlike him. He was usually the man with the answers.

Ric chanced a glance at Gia as their hired car sped down the road toward her meeting with her biological father. She kept clasping and unclasping her hands. She was so excited. She was so certain this was going to be a happy union.

Ric had been down a similar road, not that he’d ever found his father. And that was the point. He’d been so certain if he wanted something bad enough that everything would work out. It hadn’t.

And then he realized just because things hadn’t worked out for him that it didn’t mean they wouldn’t for Gia. The truth was that he wanted her to be happy—for her dreams to come true. After all, one of them should have things work out the way they envisioned.

But he still couldn’t help but worry that she’d set herself up for a fall. If that happened, he’d be there to catch her. He’d do everything in his power to make sure she was all right.

“Does he know he’s meeting with me?” Gia’s voice cut through Ric’s thoughts.

“My assistant set up the appointment.”

“No. What I mean is, does he know he’s meeting his daughter for the first time?” Hope twinkled in her eyes.

Ric shook his head. “I thought you’d want to tell him yourself.”

Gia paused as though to think it over. “You’re right. It’s best coming from me. I know it’ll be a shock to him. It certainly was to me. But when he has a chance to absorb the information, I’m sure he’s going to be as excited as I am.”

“I hope so.” Ric’s gut twisted in a knot. He had a bad feeling about this.

Gia frowned at him. “Relax. It’s all going to work out. You just have to believe.”

“I’m trying. But maybe you should also be prepared, in case this doesn’t play out the way you’re envisioning.”

Gia’s gaze narrowed. Agitation threaded through her voice. “Why are you doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“Trying to ruin this for me?”

“I’m not. I swear. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

At that point the car pulled to a stop in front of a modern office building. The driver opened the rear passenger door for them. When they stepped onto the curb, they saw the man’s name right there on the front of the building.

Gia rushed inside. Ric’s long, quick strides kept up with her. After checking the directory on the wall, she pressed the button for the elevator.

Ric leaned close to her and whispered, “No matter what, I’m here for you.”

She turned to him and smiled. “Thank you. For everything. This is going to be the best day of my life.”

Or one of the worst. Ric kept the pessimistic thought to himself. Nothing was going to bring Gia’s feet back down to the ground. Her head was filled with dreams of love, laughter and happiness. And he couldn’t blame her. He just hoped the man they were about to meet didn’t burst her bubble.

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