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“More like it wore my jaw out,” I say and yawn again.

He yawns, too, then groans and pulls me into a bear hug. “Let’s sleep. I have a call at 9:00 a.m. and then I’ll be working for the rest of the day.”

He nestles his head on top of mine, tucks his hands underneath me, and pulls me flush against him.

I laugh at the way he’s cocooned me.

“I would never have guessed you grew up sleeping with a binkie. You’re a pro at the full body wraparound snuggle,” I say.

“Binkie?” he asks sleepily.

“Binkie. That’s what we call security blankets, stuffed animal, your mama’s T-shirt. You know, something that you hold because it helps you sleep.”

“Well, clearly, I’m a natural at the full body wraparound, because I can confirm, you’re my very first one.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head and sighs, deep and content before his breathing evens out.

And I lie there and let myself enjoy what I know will go down as one of the best nights of my life.



“Woah, yeah. Hayes, this is a full 180 from where you were last night. Last night you said, and I quote, ‘I would have fucked her, but I could never have brought her home.’” My brother Dare peers into the FaceTime screen on my phone.

I bristle. “I didn’t say that,” I say.

“Actually, you texted it, but either way, that’s how you described her. And now …”

“Things have changed, and I need to know who she is,” I tell him.

His one-eyed squint full of skeptical amusement, he asks, “Who are you and what did you do with my older brother? Mr. I’ll – never — date — seriously — again?” Dare frowns.

“Listen, I need to get in there. I just wanted to see if you could get me the background check without me having to use official channels. If you’re just going to talk shit, I’ll talk to you later,” I snap at him and run my fingers through my hair.

“Wait, at least let me give you some advice. Because if nothing else, you know you’re moving too fast, or else you wouldn’t have called me,” he drawls.

“It is too fast. But I need to make sure this isn’t another Renee situation. Can you get it? Or not?” I fix him with a stony glare. He rolls his eyes in defeat but pushes back one more time.

“Why don’t you just get to know her yourself? Don’t freak out because you actually like her. I mean, it sucks that she’s ‘unpolished and unbred’—”

“Hey, I didn’t say that,” I protest.

“That’s what you said it boils down to. And if you’re really worried about her pedigree, maybe you’re not ready to be with anyone right now.”

“I don’t give a shit about her pedigree. And don’t be dramatic, Dare.” I dismiss his rebuke.

“Hayes, a background check is fucking dramatic. And it’s dishonest. What’ll you do if she finds out?”

“How would she find out?”

“Well, hopefully, when you realize what a dick move it was and tell her,” he says.

“I’m glad you’ve finally found a moral compass, Dare. How about you practice using it before you start lecturing me about honesty,” I say sarcastically.

He laughs. “I’ve always had a good moral compass. Just not when it comes to my own life.”

I frown at him.

He sighs and shakes his head. “Why don’t you just trust what you feel, He-man?” He uses the nickname he gave me when our parents first got married. I lean against the wall and scowl at him.
