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“Because, I don’t trust myself. Not anymore. I just inherited the keys to a kingdom, Dare, and whoever I’m with will have access to them. I need to be sure. If you can’t do it, I have two other guys I can call,” I tell him flatly.

He sits up and takes a deep breath with his vape pen in between his lips. “I got you, bro.” He says it with barely tepid enthusiasm.

“Somehow, that doesn’t inspire confidence, Dare,” I mutter.

“Yeah. Well, I said I’d do it. I didn’t say I’d pretend to enjoy it. I hope once it comes back, you’ll find a way to tell her and apologize.”

“Sure, any other advice?” I ask sarcastically.

“When you fuck her, only kiss her once and make sure when you come you aren’t looking her in the eyes.—”

“I do not need any advice about how to fuck, Dare,” I tell him and grimace in annoyance.

“I only meant until you get the background check results and can confirm that falling in love with her is safe.”

“Dare …” I growl in impatiently.

He winks. “I’ll never lie to you. I know your bark is worse than your bite. And I’m your brother. We’re BFFs forever,” he chirps in a high-pitched voice.

“Shut up and get me the info,” I snap, and I hear his laughter when I press the end call button.

I got a call from the office in the middle of the wedding ceremony. I stepped out of the tiny seaside chapel to take it and I’ve been gone for more than an hour. I had been more than ready to go find Confidence, but I needed to call Dare first.

I walk back to the terrace where the tent has been set up for two days. During the day, the flaps are raised, and you can see clear to the horizon.

Tonight, it’s pouring rain outside. And the curtains are tightly closed against it. The ceiling is pitch black and blanketed with thousands of rows of twinkling lights in the shape of stars. Huge, lush trees with golden, round imitation fruit hanging off them line the walls and act as cover for the seating alcoves tucked into the corners of the space. There are flowers everywhere that complete the look. It sets a beautiful scene. Yet, it all fades into the background when I finally see her.

Nothing in this room is nearly as beautiful, original, or fresh as Confidence. I’ve thought of nearly nothing else since I laid eyes on her in the hallway.

Her golden spun hair is swept off her neck and face and piled in a mass of curls on the top of her head like a crown. She’s got some sort of jewelry interspersed in it and the stones fire like diamonds when they catch the lights from overhead. The thin white straps of her dress cling to her shoulders, but they look like they’d slip off at the slightest provocation.

A gust of wind.

The gentle nudge of my nose.

In the hungry grip of my teeth.

The lights overhead reflect on her bare back like a cloak of diamonds. How fucking appropriate.

I keep my eyes on her as I approach and watch the movements of her back and the elegant sway of her neck as she laughs at something. I can’t wait to press my lips to that sweet, fragrant skin.

Her hand slides up to caress the very spot I was just fantasizing about. Her fingers linger there and her head lolls slightly. And like she can sense me, she turns her graceful neck until she’s facing me.

The smile on her face when she sees me feels too good to be true. We hold eyes as I walk up to the table.

Am I being a fool?

Does it matter if it’s just going to be a few days of fun?

Will a few days of fun be enough? I push aside the unease that pings in my chest at that thought.

Conversation stops when I get to the table. I smile at them, greet a few by name. Their response is universal and reminds me why I sit by myself. They all congratulate me on my chairmanship and a few ask for a meeting.

When I’ve finally done my social duty, I smile down at Confidence. “Good evening.” A small dimple indents the middle of her right cheek. I run the tip of my finger over it and trace the underside of her lip. Her skin feels like the softest velvet. She blushes and tucks a thick strand of curls behind her ear and smiles wide.

“Did you rest this afternoon?” I tip her chin up with my finger and her delicate throat bobs.

Oh, yes. There’s something about her.
