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“That doesn’t matter to him.”

Aziz pursed his lips. “You should quit. Don’t hang onto this old carcass just because you are afraid.”

“Who said I was afraid?” Laine pushed past him to reach her desk.

“Why else would you work for a small man like that? Brandt himself does not do the work. He hires other people to do it for him, and he tries to make them small. You are much better than this place. Leave and don’t look back!”

Laine swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat. That was right. She was leaving. She had basically issued an ultimatum to her boss over taking this job in Bahrain. When had she decided? With a slow, irritated breath, she realized it must have been the moment that it became clear he would take this job from her without a second thought. Mr. Brandt would take everything from her that he could and turn around to her male coworkers with the praises and raises.

Still, making a huge life decision because she was pissed was hardly the action of the rational woman she prided herself on being. But she couldn't go to Mr. Brandt’s office now and take it back.

“Just so you understand,” Laine said. “I’m coming in an official capacity only. There will be times when I’ll need your input, and hopefully, you won’t be too busy flirting with other women to help me get this job done.”

“Ahh. You are jealous. Why not just say so?” Aziz laughed and moved to slip his arms around her waist. She moved away and crossed her arms imperiously. Aziz’s grin only grew wider. “Again, you make me work for what I want.”

Laine turned her head slowly as Aziz began to circle around her. He reached over to the window that faced the rest of the office and drew the blinds closed. Then, he lowered his hand to lock the door.

“We had our fun. But now I’m your employee. This is my career. It’s important to me!” Laine trailed off as Aziz unbuckled his belt. She remembered the energy between them only a few days before and how she missed his scent and his heat against her body.

“Your career is also very important to me. I don’t intend to damage it in any way,” Aziz assured her. “Or you. Unless you ask me to.”

When Aziz approached her again, his hands grabbed her hips and pushed her back against her desk. It rattled slightly, and Laine looked behind her at the papers and the frame with a picture of her father inside.

“You are angry,” Aziz whispered. “Show me your fire, tiger.”

Kissing Aziz hungrily, she turned the picture over and began to caress the back of his neck. His hands moved up and down her sides, and within moments, she was letting his big hands push up her skirt.

Her panties disappeared easily, and she restrained a gasp when she felt two large, rough fingers entering her. She bit her lip and arched her back as Aziz put his fingers to work, stroking and teasing in the most expert way, and causing her muscles to tighten and jump with anticipation for more.

Laine bowed her head over his shoulder and let his body muffle her panting. Aziz stroked the back of her hair and moved his hands to lift her easily. She pushed away the trinkets and picture frames that littered the edge of her desk before Aziz laid her back on a bed of files, drawings, and hastily scribbled notes. He loosened several buttons on the front of her blouse as he nibbled his way down her chest, then slipped one hand into her bra. His thumb teased over her waiting nipple, making it stand erect before his lips moved over it with gentle, open-mouthed kisses.

Laine’s head fell back and her lips opened in a silent cry. She looked at the skyline outside of her office as her breasts ached and her core throbbed with need. A soft shush and thump told her his pants had hit the floor.


“Hm…Is it not inappropriate?” he murmured against her flesh.

“Nothing about you is appropriate. It’s part of your charm,” Laine teased.

Aziz swirled his tongue around her areola and then gave her nipple a wet suck as he rubbed the other gently with his fingers.

“Fuck appropriate,” Laine gasped.

“Is that all you want?”

“Fuck me,” she begged.

Roughly, one of his hands gripped her hip, and the other lifted her knee up. Laine felt his hot thickness entering her. This time he pushed harder and faster but she opened up for him just the same as a flower starving for the light. She was slick in anticipation already—Aziz clearly knew how to make a woman’s body respond—and her fingers grasped at his shoulder, as if trying to pull him deeper inside of her.

The desk shook underneath her and little, needful noises escaped her lips in spite of her attempts to stay quiet. Before long, her body jerked and clenched as heat and pleasure bloomed against his hard length pressing into her soft flesh. Aziz stroked her face as she came and then furrowed his brow and locked his hips, thrusting deep inside her.
