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He’d wanted her before he’d even known what to do with her. Now that he had her again, had space and time, he would do everything he’d ever wanted. He nipped and kissed and licked his way along the edge of her panties. He took them off, and then he ran his hand up one shapely calf and lifted her leg over his shoulder, inhaling her sexy, womanly smell so deep he could almost taste her. Almost.

“You don’t have to—”

He didn’t wait for her to finish the sentence. Gripping her hips with one hand, Sean angled her toward his mouth and parted the seam of her pussy with his tongue.

Salty-hot, womanly. Sex. Katie.

“Incredible,” he murmured. If she had anything to say in reply, he didn’t hear it. He was too busy memorizing her. All the ways she responded to the brush of his lips, the stroke of his tongue, and the movements of his hand. What made her shiver. What made her beg. What made her buck, and what made her go from wet to wetter to writhing and whimpering, soaking with pleasure.

She tensed around his finger, and he gave her another, nibbling at her clit and listening for the keening sound she’d already made once. The sound that told him she was starting to lose control.

That was good. Every whimper she made gave him a little more power back, a fraction more command of himself.

He bit her, rocking her nub between his tongue and teeth. She bucked and gasped, and when she said his name, he heard the edge he wanted. The knife’s blade that told him he’d knocked her out of the driver’s seat.

“Sean. Holy—Oh. Sean, I’m going to come.”

“Do it,” he ordered. “I want you to.”

Another soft bite. When he sucked her clit into his mouth, she tightened like a vise around his fingers, crying out his name before she lost language altogether.

He laved her with his tongue, tasting her release, and then lowered her leg and kissed his way up her torso. She opened her eyes when he planted a light kiss between her eyebrows.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she said in a breathless voice. “But ohmigod thank you for doing that.”

He kissed her mouth and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Want to go upstairs?”

She buried her hands in his hair and tugged his head down for a deep, searing kiss.

Chapter Twenty-seven

He picked her up. Picked her up and carried her, as if she were Scarlett O’Hara and he were Rhett Butler, if Rhett had been the kind of guy to go down on Scarlett in a doorway. Which, let’s be honest, he probably was.

Katie was no petite southern belle, but he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. It was off-the-charts sexy. Sexy enough to make her knees wobble if she’d still been standing up, which she wasn’t, and if they hadn’t already been wobbly since the second he yanked her down between his legs and kissed the living daylights out of her.

Which they had.

Sean picked her up and carried her upstairs as though people actually did this kind of thing, and he laid her on a bed in a room she didn’t even begin to register the details of, because she couldn’t see anything but him. He took off his shirt and covered her with his body and kissed her again, and she could only say his name.

Every time she remembered to inhale, she smelled his soap. His hips pinned her in place, his hands stroking over her, less insistent than before but still compelling her to respond. Which she did, gladly.

She was a dozen different temperatures, but he was hot all over. His hands, his mouth, his nose. The heat of his thigh through his jeans. Overwhelming. Intense. So focused, so determined.

His mouth worked its way downward, those talented hands sliding up her back as his lips found her nipple, and she lost the thread for a while, too busy making noises she’d later find too mortifying to even process the details of the experience.

Then he backed off and looked at her, his eyes performing a slow scan down her body. Lingering on her breasts. Passing over her belly button. Hovering between her legs until she accepted his silent demand and parted them, and he inhaled. He’d already touched her everywhere, but this was more intimate. More naked.

If he saw anything he didn’t like, he didn’t show it. His stern face, the need in his gaze—he was the most arousing thing she’d ever seen.

He wanted her. This man, this handsome, hard sla

b of a man, with his lean, powerful body and his hungry eyes. This man with his flaws and his scars and his house full of unpacked boxes and bad memories.

He needed her.

“Come here,” she said.

He ignored her. He wasn’t done looking yet, but she wanted to see him, too. He had a fighter’s body, lean and defined. The body of a man who’d refused to soften into the middle of life—who’d grown harder instead, pushing himself with the discipline Sean brought to everything.
