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Sadly, I know way too much about Wren’s sex life, not only because he talks so openly about it now that he’s with Whitney, but also because we share a condo wall.

“Let me show you to the spare room,” I tell her, making a mental note to text Wren to tell him to keep it down over there since the spare in my apartment lines up with the master in his.

“Wow,” she says again once I turn on the light in the bedroom. “If this is a spare, how big is the master?”

“Technically, this is the master, but I prefer the other room.”

Like I said, the couple next door doesn’t get much sleep, and when they get going, they’re not the most considerate neighbors.

“If the people next door are making too much noise, just let me know.”

She reddens again, her eyes looking anywhere but at me. God, if she hears when Puff Daddy gets revved up, I’ll be embarrassed for her. The bird is the best hype-man a guy can get, but listening to him squawk pornographic commands while his owners are going at it leaves a lot to be desired.

“Okay,” she says softly, but I know she’d never open her mouth to complain. “Do you have guests often?”

“No. I actually need to get you clean sheets. The bed was already made when I moved into this unit a few months ago. No one has ever slept in here.”

“I think these will be fine.”

“No one has slept in my bed either.” Fuck, why did I say that?

“This is a really nice place.”

“It is. It’s part of the benefits package with Blackbridge. I make decent money, but I’d never be able to afford something like this if the rent wasn’t discounted dramatically. Hell, I wouldn’t even rent a place like this at full price if I had the money. It’s more than I’ll ever need. I’m kind of a simple guy.” I roll her suitcases in front of the walk-in closet. “If it didn’t come furnished, I’d have to offer you my bed and sleep on the couch.”

“Well, thank you. Hopefully your friend will be able to find out what’s going on, and I won’t be in your hair too long. If you want, I can withdraw cash in the morning and use that to get a hotel room.”

“It’s fine,” I rush out. “You’re welcome to stay as long as it takes.”

She nods, her eyes locking on my chest. The attention makes it a little harder to breathe. I linger, wanting to reach out to her, but I don’t.

“Well, I’m going to try to get a few more hours of sleep. I have work at nine in the morning.”

I open my mouth to ask her to call in sick, but I know she wouldn’t appreciate it. I’ve already plowed into her life and all but taken over.

“Sleep well. I’ll get you to work on time,” I tell her before backing out of the room.

I immediately shoot Wren a text telling him to keep the kinky talk to a minimum. They must be at an intermission because he responds back quickly.

Wren: I was planning to gag her anyway.

Me: Well, gag that fucking bird too. I don’t want Hayden hearing him yell choke on Daddy’s cock! I heard enough of that shit last week.

He sends me a series of crying laughing emojis.

Chapter 22


When Quinten mentioned hours ago that the condo was fully furnished, he wasn’t joking. I’m grateful for whatever considerate person thought to include a handheld clothing steamer on the list of things to include because I packed in such a rush last night that everything in my suitcases is wrinkled.

The bathroom is also fully stocked, which nearly made me cry when I forced myself out of the bed and realized I didn’t get anything from my bathroom. I have no personal hygiene items, nor any makeup. I may be in freshly pressed clothes when I walk out of the bedroom, but I still feel like a bum.

I was both sad and ecstatic when I rifled through the drawers in the bathroom looking for mascara that may have been left behind by an old girlfriend.

“Good morning.”

Wow. I know I’ve said that out loud more than once since he woke me up last night, and I’m grateful for being able to just keep it in my head this time around.

Quinten Lake, first thing in the morning… he’s just… everything.

If Parker thought he was hot in jeans, they have nothing on the pajama pants that are riding low on his hips.

My eyes are glued to his bare stomach so long he has to clear his throat to get my attention. It still takes me a couple more seconds before I can lift my eyes.

“I didn’t know you’d be up so early. I didn’t think to put on a shirt. I’m glad I wore bottoms to bed, or you’d have more than an eyeful right now.”
