Page 43 of Celebrity Dirt

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His driver stops in front of a prestigious building off Michigan Avenue. I’m escorted out of the car, and Vincent presses his hand against my lower back as he walks us through the restaurant. It’s…empty.

“Is steak and eggs not a thing anymore?” I look around at the deserted tables.

“I pay very well for discretion when I come here.” We continue to walk toward the back of the restaurant to a secluded table. Vincent pulls out my chair, and I sit, then he takes the chair opposite me. A simple wave of his hand and waiters are on the move. Two glasses of champagne are placed on our table, along with warm bread and menus.

“And there is never a wrong time to eat steak. Order whatever you want.”

I pick up the menu and pretend to be intrigued—“A hundred dollars for fish!”

Vincent laughs. “It tastes like butter in your mouth. I recommend it.”

My eyes bounce back and forth at the insanely high prices. Who the heck can afford to eat at a place like this? Well, dummy, a notorious kingpin can.

“This notorious kingpin would like you to try the champagne. It’s quite delightful.”

Ugh! “Sorry, bad habit. I speak out loud sometimes—you don’t have to treat me to such an expensive meal. We could have just gotten breakfast sandwiches or something.”

He shakes his head and lifts his champagne glass, waiting for me to do the same. I oblige and pick mine up. “Cheers. To a wonderful relationship. I look forward to having you by my side.” Our glasses clink, and I pray he doesn’t catch on to the nervous lump in my throat. Hopefully, the bubbly will help wash it down.

My taste buds explode, and I moan. “Wow, that’s really good.”

“It’s an aged Dom Perignon Reserve straight from France. I’m glad you like it.”

I take another sip, trying to pass the time. It’s now or never, Addy. Get the dirt. “So—”

“Addy, I must ask, how long have you and Logan been together?”

Gah! Dang it. Also, great question! One we did not discuss. The first question, and I’m already going to blow it. I take another swig to buy myself some time.

“Oh, I don’t know, it’s been so long now, feels like forever. Why do you ask?”

He eyes me, observing, as if I’m under his microscope. There’s no doubt he’s a man who doesn’t miss much. “I’m just curious how attached you are to him.”

Logan’s words ring like sirens in my head. He will violate you until you’re so broken and addicted to the heroin he’ll inject… “Oh, well, super attached. Like glued to him.”

“Hmmm….” is his only response. It doesn’t sit well with me, so my mouth starts doing what it does best.

“Yeah, he’s really great. Loyal. Hard worker. Great in bed. Loves my cooking. Not that I cook. I order lots of pizza. Crustless—how ’bout this bubbly, what year did you say—”

I almost jump out of my chair when Vincent’s hand slides across the table and covers mine. “Relax, Addy. I’m not going to bite.” Somehow, I don’t believe that. “See, you may not know this, but you and I are very much alike. We know how to read people. Like you were able to read Renaldo at our meeting.”

“And did you ever prove your suspicions to be true?”

He takes a sip of his glass. “I did.”

And is he dead? “So, what did you do?”

His laughter is unrestrained and sardonic. “He will learn the consequences of trying to cross a man like myself.”

A chill skates down to my toes. I hate that my mouth has a mind of its own because I certainly do not want to know the answer to the question spewing out. “How so?”

His thumb brushes against the palm of my hand. “How do you think?”

I think he’s swimming with the fish. “That…he realized honesty is the best policy and decided to do business elsewhere? Speaking of business, have you two started your new venture together? Exactly what does that entail?”

There’s triumph in his smile. “You truly do amaze me. Such a delight.” He ignores my rapid-fire questions. A flick of his finger and a waiter immediately appears to refill my champagne. I’m thankful for the distraction and pull my hand out from under his to grab for my glass. Before he can say another word, I blurt out, “I love Logan. So much.”

His brows hitch, not expecting that to tumble out of my mouth, which makes two of us. His lips temporarily thin, showing his disapproval of my confession, but quickly masks into a hard smile. “A loyal companion. Logan should be grateful he has you.”

“He is. He shows me all the time.” I swig my champagne.

The waiter pours me more.

“And if something happens to him?”

I choke on my champagne, spitting the sweet liquid across the table. “Wh—Why would something happen to him?”
