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ched as my wife threw her head back in exhaustion and my beautiful daughter’s cries filled the room.

“Daddy, would you like to come over and cut the umbilical cord?” the doctor asked.

I set the camera down on the table behind me, with it still on, and came over and did the honor of cutting the cord. Charlie reached out for our baby and the doctor placed her on my wife’s chest as both of them cried together. The moment before me was beautiful as hell, and I was lucky enough to get it all on camera. The nurses came and took the baby, so that they could weigh and clean her, while the doctor took care of my wife as she pushed out the placenta.

“And here she is, weighing in at 6 pounds and 7 ounces,” the nurse said, placing our princess in Charlie’s arms. I could tell that my wife was drained, but she still reached out her arms so that she could hold our baby.

“What’s her name, Charlie? You kept it a secret for so long,” Toya said as she snapped pictures of the baby.

“Her name is London Mackenzie Williams.” Charlie beamed and kissed our daughter on her forehead.

I came over and took the baby out of my wife’s arms. Man, lil mama was so beautiful. I now had two young queens that I had to help raise and lead by example. Meaning, I had to treat their mama the way a man was supposed to treat them when they were old enough to start dating, which would probably be when they were about thirty years old. I wanted my girls to look at me and have a mindset like, Damn, daddy really loves mommy.

I whispered in my daughter’s ear a few times, telling her how much I loved her and I watched as a little smile came to her face. Tears welled up in my eyes and I let them fall. This was the second best day of my life, the first being the birth of China. I handed my wife back the baby because the doctor was telling her that it was time to start breastfeeding her. While she did that, I went down the hall to get my homies and my daughter.

When I got to the lobby, China was sitting on Dre’s lap knocked out, with her mouth open, while Dre laid his head on the wall knocked out too. Quay was asleep as well. The sight before me was funny as hell. I nudged Dre on his arm and he quickly woke up, looking around the room. When he jumped, it caused my daughter to wake up from her sleep.

“Damn, man, I didn’t even mean to fall asleep. Charlie had the baby?” he asked me as I picked up China from his lap.

“Yeah, man, about ten minutes ago. Come on so y’all can see her,” I said and then woke Quay up as well.

We all walked down the short hallway and China was walking so fast to get to her mommy and little sister. When she made it in the room, I lifted her up so that she could get in the bed. She stared at little London in awe as China breastfeed her.

“Wow, Mommy, she’s so little,” China said, as she held London’s finger in her hand.

We all kicked it in the room for about another hour, and after Charlie and the baby had fallen to sleep, everybody left, leaving only my wife and my two kids in the room. I had the perfect little family before me and I swear I wasn’t ever going to give up on them. Including my mama and my sister, these women in front of me were all I needed.

Chapter 18: Dre

“Damnn, Toya are you seeing this shit upstairs in the room?” I yelled from downstairs in the den as I watched the Channel 7 news.

I heard my fiancé come down the stairs, and when she was in the living room, she took a seat next to me on the couch.

“On May 5th, 2015, two real estate brokers by the name of James Miller Sr. and James Miller Jr., were ordered to pay back over six million dollars in restitution to victims arising out of over five fraud cases. Both men will be charged with wire fraud for making false statements about their client’s income and the failure to return deposits. The father and son are also charged with other fraudulent behavior, which include short sale fraud, escrow fraud, real estate title fraud, and mortgage fraud. The jury returned a verdict this morning of guilty on all charges and they will face up to thirty years in prison at sentencing,” the news anchor said.

I watched the look on Toya’s face.

“Damn, that’s crazy. I don’t feel bad for either one of them, though. I just knew that James’ ass would go to jail for rape or some shit, but I never would have guessed that it would have been fraud,” Toya said.

I was happier than a motha fucka because it was less bodies on my list for me to handle. I never forgot about the shit that he had done to Toya, but I wanted to catch his ass when he least expected that shit. I think I liked this situation better though because killing him would have been way too easy. I knew for a fact that his pussy ass wouldn’t last a damn day in prison. He would be somebody’s bitch by the end of the night. Combing niggas chest hair, cleaning their drawers, and taking a dick up his ass. I wished prison on nobody, but his ass deserved it. I swear, karma was a motha fucka, and it was fuckin’ the shit out of James’ ass right about now.

“So you know they going to get rid of all their locations. Now watch all those bitches that you were working with who couldn’t stand your ass be down at your office come tomorrow morning, begging for a job,” I told Toya.

“That’s if they didn’t get charged too,” she added.

“I doubt it because the news would have mentioned it,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to me.

I rubbed her belly, something that I had found myself doing a lot lately. I remember when Toya sold me this damn house and I cornered her ass in the kitchen and whispered in her ear that she was going to be the one to have my last name and to give a nigga a few sons. All that shit was happening right before my eyes, and I had made a liar out of Toya because back then her ass wasn’t believing shit that I was talking about.

“This baby is kicking my ass. I had a salad today at work on my break and I threw it right up. I can’t keep anything down, and it’s only the beginning,” she told me as she played with my chin hair. I loved when she did that shit because it calmed my ass down.

“My sons said they don’t want no damn salad, they want some real food,” I said, causing Toya to look up at me like I was crazy.

“Sons? What makes you think I have two babies in here?” she asked me.

“I can just feel it. Baby, you know what I was thinking that we should to this weekend?” I asked her.

“Hmm, no what?”
