Page 35 of A Miami Love Tale

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“When you going to give me another baby?” he asked me.

I started laughing, because I thought he was trying to be funny. When I saw that he wasn’t laughing with me, I stopped.

“Wait, baby you’re serious?” I asked.

“Damn right I’m serious,” he said.

“No time soon,” I told him.

‘You got me fucked up. I’ll get your ass pregnant right now,” he said, tugging at my shirt as I busted out laughing at his crazy ass.

“You think you can. But that pill I popped this morning is saying something totally different,” I smirked. He laughed at my comment and pinched my cheek.

“Where all this baby talk coming from, anyway?” I asked.

“Nowhere, I just want another little me running around here before your ass gets old and I got to get one of these young hoes pregnant,” he smirked. I punched him in his chest, because I didn’t find that shit funny at all.

“Them hoes wouldn’t even know how to take that dick like me anyway,” I said.

“Word? Well show me how they supposed to do it then,” he said, pulling his dick out.

“You ain’t saying nothing but a word,” I said, pulling my uniform off.

After we finished trying to out fuck one another, I laid beside him on the couch spent. He picked me up and carried me to our bedroom, and I was out for the count. What a great way to end the night, by my husband blessing me with some good ass dick. I was going to sleep like a baby tonight.

Chapter 30: Rashard

I had just finished blowing out my girl’s back, and she was in the shower about to get ready for school. Lately, I been feeling like Mani has been acting distant with me, which is why I had to damn near drag her ass out of her house today and bring her ass home to daddy. I was in that pussy for damn near two hours. I had her little ass crying and talking shit the whole nine. That’s what she get for holding out on her man. My baby was now two months pregnant, but you couldn’t even tell. Only thing that grew some is her ass, special thanks to me for handling that shit right. I loved Imani, even though she be trying to avoid a nigga sometimes with her mean ass. Since the pregnancy, she just seemed a little down and I was planning something real nice for my baby this weekend. I didn’t want her having any doubts about having my baby, because I didn’t have any. I heard her phone ringing inside her purse. I wasn’t going to answer her shit for her, so I let it continue to ring. It stopped ringing, then it started back up.

“Mani, your phone in here ringing. Come answer this shit,” I told her, coming into the bathroom while she was in the shower.

“Answer it for me baby. It’s probably Breesha or Nae,” she said.

I went to answer the phone inside her purse and when I went to grab it, something caught my attention. It was a flyer that said, “Today’s Women Medical Center.” What caught my eye was the fact that it was an abortion clinic. A clinic that fuckin specialized in killing damn babies. I just know that she didn’t abort my seed. If she did, it was about to be some furniture moving in this bitch.

“IMANI!!!!!” I yelled.
