Page 189 of Addicted

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Lights flashed just behind us, and I turned to see a patrol boat pulling up.

"You guys alright out here?" One of the cops on the boat called out from the side of it.

"Yes, Sir. We were just watching the sunset." I released Cora and moved over to the side closest to them. "Is that not alright?"

"It's fine, but don't get in the water over here. We had a few sightings of one of our more aggressive gators. Just be careful, and try to stick to the more populated areas for swimming. Alright?" He crossed his arms over his chest, eying me like he believed me to be the hoodlum I usually was.

"Yeah, no problem. Thanks for letting us know." I waved at him before dropping back down by Cora, who had pulled her feet into the boat. I laughed and squeezed her thigh. "Let's watch the sunset together and then we'll go back to the house.

I got a stack of movies that Daniel and Clay picked up a few days back. It's all action and adventure type stuff, but I'm thinking it might do us some good to change things up a little."

She smirked and snuggled up beside me. "I'm good with whatever you want to do."

I let my eyes move out toward the sunset and let out a sigh. "Man, this place is almost majestic."

"I agree, but the thought of an alligator moving through the water around us kind of leaves me worried that some other horny idiots will come out here to skinny dip and not get so lucky as we did." She turned toward me, and I reached out and brushed my fingers by the side of her cheek.

"Are we horny idiots?" I asked as a smirk lifted my lips.

"I am. I'm not sure about you." She leaned in closer and kissed me, stealing my breath and sucking the humor from the moment. Passion rolled through me as I pulled her into my lap and ran my hands over her back and down her legs as I licked and sucked at her mouth.

She moaned softly and turned to straddle me. "Let's go back to the house. I don't want anyone coming up on us while we're not watching."

"You should have thought about that before you straddled me." I brushed my fingers over her mound and brought her in for another long string of kisses as I petted her.

The lights flashed behind me, and I jumped, laughing as the cops passing back by us laughed, too.

"Assholes," I mumbled with a smile on my lips and helped her move off my lap.

"Nope. Just horny idiots like us." She wagged her eyebrows and moved over to take the driver's seat. "I'm driving, so hold on."


She wasn't kidding about holding on.

I saw my life flash before my eyes a few times on the way back to the cabin with the crazy girl driving. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and there was no way in hell I was showing any more insecurities for a while. I gripped the side of the boat like it had the power to save me should we flip over.

"There. No big deal, right?" She smiled as we pulled up to the dock.

"Yeah, you're not allowed to drive anymore." I tied the boat up and pulled myself onto the dock before offering her a hand.

"What? That was fun." She pulled herself up and wrapped her arms around me. "You seemed to like the thought of action and adventure. I was just giving us a thrill."

"On T.V." I kissed her nose and turned, taking her hand and walking us across the street. "You wanna go into town and grab something to eat or see what the guys are up to and make a quick sandwich?"

She glanced down at her watch and let out a cute little yawn. "Let's just make a sandwich and go snuggle in your bed."

"You mean have wild sex that leaves us both lusting for more, right?"

"Is that what we're telling our friends?" She gave me a cocky smirk and walked up the stairs just in front of me.

I popped her butt and laughed. "We can, but I was half serious."

"Your lust knows no bounds, does it?" She paused at the door and glanced over her shoulder, stealing my heart with her beauty.

"With you? Fuck no." I reached around her, brushing my arm by her breasts and opening the door. "Behave in here. I don't want anyone looking your way. I'd hate to kick a man's ass tonight. Especially a friend."

"Kick whose ass?" Derek glanced over his shoulder as he sat at the kitchen table to our right. They guys were playing dominoes and had at least three empty beer bottles sitting beside each of them.
