Page 190 of Addicted

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"Your ass." I wrapped my arm around Cora's shoulders as we moved up beside the table. "Did you guys eat anything?"

"Yeah." Clay glanced up and winked at Cora. "There's a couple of burgers on the stove. Help yourselves."

"And then, get in here and help me whoop these idiots at their own game." Daniel pulled the toothpick from his mouth and smiled. "Bring Cora, too. The more of us playing, the better odds of me winning."

"That's ‘cause you're a chump." Derek laughed. "Take a few risks and you'll win. Shit. How many times have we told you this?"

"You've been teaching him our trade secrets for winning?" I asked and tugged Cora into the kitchen.

"You win because you cheat," Clay called after me.

"Lies. All lies." I pulled the buns from the cabinet above our heads. "Get the mustard and cheese out of the fridge, baby. We'll make these burgers and then head to my bedroom."

"I wanna play dominoes. Can you teach me how you guys do it?" She glanced back toward the table as the guys let out a loud holler and someone slammed their dominoes down.

"Hell yeah, I can." I worked on my burger and watched her out of the corner of my eye as my chest filled with pride. She was the whole deal: the perfect woman as far as I was concerned. It was scary to think that I had something so close to perfection in my grasp, and yet there was a high chance that I was going to fuck it up.

She took a big bite of her burger and nodded toward the fridge. "There was beer in there. Grab two and come in here with me. I want to watch the game for a few rounds and then I can jump in if the guys will let me."

"Oh, they'll let you." I smirked and grabbed the beers. "They think you're going to be an easy target, so get ready. They might be gentleman on the lake, but around a game of bones? Fucking forget it."

She laughed and turned to walk back into the dining room. "You guys mind if I watch and then join in?"

I rolled my eyes as I sat down beside her. All of them were chattering loudly about her playing and them wanting to help her learn the game.

"We're not playing for money, so stop offering up your virginity. Idiots." I took a big bite of my burger and smirked at Clay who rolled his eyes at me.

"You're just pissy because you lost the last three games." He gave me a mischievous look.

Cora glanced over at me, her eyebrow lifted. "You lost to these guys?"

"Yeah, he did." Derek snorted before his smile faded. "Wait...these guys?"

Cora laughed and moved her burger out of her way. "Never mind me watching you. Deal me a hand. I think I can do this. Shouldn't be too hard to take you guys out and teach you a few lessons while I'm doing it."

My cock hardened at her words—and even more so at her confidence.

"Oh hell no, she didn't." Derek pulled the dominoes back over toward him and looked my way. "You in, Brody?"

"Nope. I want to eat and watch my girl school you bastards." I shrugged and took another bite as Cora's hand moved up my thigh and squeezed my dick.

"Watch and learn." She smiled, and I almost thought to warn her. My group of friends had been playing for years together. There was no way she was going to win.

"Okay, baby. I'm looking forward to it." I glanced over at Clay and mouthed for him to go easy on her.

He snorted, and I knew we were in for a really good time—or a serious ass battle. I leaned back and let things progress as they would.

It was three hours later and two games down, and Cora had not only beaten all my boys, but forced each of them to pony up the twenty dollars they'd each bet against her before the start of the second round.

I laughed so hard that my sides hurt as they drug themselves down the hall and proclaimed her as queen of the table.

She stood and turned to me as I finished my beer. "Alright. Queen of the Table wants King of the Bedroom to make the night complete."

I nodded and reached for her. "What my queen wants, she gets."

Chapter 31

