Page 204 of Addicted

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"Yes, she's my best friend. Has been all my life." She picked at her sweater as her voice softened.

"This a special occasion for her?" I let my eyes move across the soft curve of her cheek to her button nose, realizing quickly that she was exquisite. I wanted to tell her, but it seemed trite and rather creepy. She had a femininity to her that called to me.

I pulled back a little and wrapped my arms around myself, not at all understanding the need to dig into her slight frown. I wanted to know what put it there and why she was on a vacation that she wanted nothing to do with.

Was she in college or had she graduated? Was she adventurous or safe? Demanding or giving?

She glanced at me, and I couldn't help but smile again.

"What?" I asked.

"You don't look like the type of guy who would want to have a conversation on a plane with some unknown woman." Her expression softened as she scooted back in her seat.

"I don't? W

hat kind of guy do I look like?" I lifted an eyebrow at her.

"The kind that has a dog. A puppy maybe? Travels a lot and hasn't found the right woman just yet, but whose mother is adamant about you continuing to try?"

Her words left me speechless for a minute. "How did you know all that? Now you're creeping me out."

She laughed and reached toward me, pulling a piece of dog hair from the jacket laid across my lap. "I love dogs, and it was a stretch on the puppy, but your jacket is covered in hair."

I glanced down and started to brush it away. "Oh, man. I must have left it out on the couch this morning. Eli's just figured out how to get up on the furniture."

"What kind of dog do you have?" She cupped her hands in her lap and watched me in a way that left my heart picking up speed.

I'd not wanted to ask a woman out for a while, but she was already pushing me toward wanting to spend at least an hour or so getting to know her better. Too bad I didn't have time, nor would it be appropriate.

"He's a Maltese. My mother breeds them, so I took the runt of the litter. He's a great pup." I picked up my phone to see text message after text message from my mother. "Let's ring means I'm not married, or so you assumed, right?"

"Correct, and your mom's texted ten times." She nodded toward the phone smiling. "My mom's been far too busy lately to call like she used to. She's in a bit of a funk." She shrugged in a noncommittal way.

Funny how people often opened a subject that they really have no desire to dig into in the company of a stranger.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I could have my mom berate you. I'm the oldest, and my two younger brothers are completely shielded by me." I stopped myself from reaching out to touch her hand. She was perceptive and beautiful.

Score a few more points for her.

"It's alright. The air will clear soon, I guess." She turned to look out the window as the plane pulled back. The flight attendants were already seated, but the cute blonde with Vivian poked her head up above the seats and called out, catching my attention.

"Viv, you need gum. Catch." She threw it just before glancing over at me. "No freaking way."

I reached up and caught it as Viv moved to do the same. My elbow smacked into her shoulder and she let out a yelp.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry." I turned and pressed my hand to her shoulder, rubbing softly as concern filled me. "You okay? I just didn't want the gum to hit you, and damn if I didn't do it instead."

"It's okay." She carefully moved my hand off of her and rubbed it as she nodded to the gum. "Unwrap it for me?"

"Of course. I'm so sorry." I worked on the gum as she barked at Casey to sit down before they got thrown off the plane. A smile tugged at my lips as I pulled out a stick of gum and handed it to her. "Your ears pop too?"

"Like crazy." She rubbed her shoulder once more before taking the gum and giving me a weak smile. "Feel free to have a piece if you want."

"Thanks." I took a piece and shifted a little, wanting to study her. "Alright, so you got a few things about me from just looking at me. It's my turn now."

She chuckled. "Why did I just fill with dread?"

"No clue, but there is no reason for it." I pressed my fingers to my lips and watched her watch me. There was something almost too comfortable sitting between us as we sat in silence together. The plane lifted and she flinched and gripped her armrest, her little knuckles turning white.

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