Page 205 of Addicted

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"Don't say I'm scared of planes and my ears pop, either." She gave me a look, and I laughed abruptly, loving her sharp sense of humor.

"You're an art major. In your junior year of college, and you model on the side for money. You're the oldest of two or three kids and your favorite thing to do is sky dive. A total risk taker." I lifted my shoulders, half expecting her to laugh at me. Instead, tears brimmed her beautiful blue eyes. "Oh shit. What did I say?"

She lifted her sweater and pressed it to her eyes, sniffling a little.

I didn't know her well enough to reach out and touch her, pull her into a hug, or really offer any type of consolation, so I just sat in an awkward position waiting for her to tell me what I'd done wrong.

"Nothing," she whispered and pulled her sweater back down. She had to have been the cutest woman I'd ever seen in my life when she cried. Her thick bottom lip poked out as another stream of tears rolled down her flawless skin.

I reached out and brushed away the tears on her cheek closest to me, using the back of my fingers. "I'm sorry I upset you. We can just read magazines and ignore each other if you want."

She laughed through her tears. "It was really sweet."

"Oh." I relaxed and let out a tight breath. "I thought I'd hurt your feelings or offended you. You women are difficult, to say the least."

She laughed again. "Yeah, and I'm one of the worst, I'm sure. I was just thinking earlier that I wished I were a risk taker. I want to live again, to find myself be beautiful."

Her rawness in front of me was a little overwhelming, and left not only my heart swelling, but also my body hardening rapidly. She was beautiful, and the fact that she wanted to be the woman I'd described was a little exhilarating.

"You are beautiful. Breathtaking actually." I smiled as she glanced at me under a shy expression. She didn't believe my compliments at all.

"Right. Anyway..." She brushed away the rest of her tears. "Forgive me for the tears. Life's been a little shitty lately."

"I understand completely." I cleared my throat. "Now, tell me if I got anything right about you, and if not, correct me."

The flight attendant stopped by our aisle and offered us a drink before Vivian could respond. I turned my attention to the beautiful redhead, feigning interest in her drink. The opportunity to study her for a minute more was one I wasn't passing up. The need to know where she was staying in Miami bubbled up inside of me, but I pushed it back down. The girl didn't need to feel like she was sitting next to a creeper, and in all actuality, she was far too much woman for me. If she was anywhere as needy and demanding as she was beautiful, the world was in trouble. I didn't need it in my life, no matter how entertaining and appetizing she was.

"Jack and Coke?" She asked, her pretty blue eyes moving from the attendant to me.

"Same," I mumbled, not looking away from her. "Alright. Spill."

"I have two brothers, both younger than me, so you win there." She smiled.

"Yes, I pegged you as the bossy older sister."

She swatted at me playfully, causing me to laugh. "Hey! Watch it. I'm a business major, and am a senior. I graduate from NYU in May this year. I honestly can't wait. College has officially worn out it's welcome."

"I understand that completely. Marketing or general business?"

"Hotel restaurant management. I want to be a food critic when I grow up. I've taken several courses at the culinary institute as well. More than the ability just to know when something tastes great, I want to know why and what comprises the various flavors. I need to be able to express it."

I sat in shocked silence. My degree was in hotel restaurant management.

She continued. "I've never been a model, but it's flattering that you think I could be. Unless it's a hand model. Is that what you meant?"

Her smile had me melting on the inside. I figured her for an underwear model, but there was no way I was divulging that information. "No, silly woman."

"I'm not a risk taker, but I want to be." She let out a long sigh and turned to look down at her hands.

I glanced up as the flight attendant handed me my drink and offered her hers. "Then start taking a few risks. What's one thing you could do in Miami to live on the edge? To breathe danger into a normal everyday spring break trip?"

"I guess I could get drunk and walk down a dark alley?" She glanced up with a serious look on her face, but only held it for a minute before she smirked. "That what you mean?"

The need to protect her from herself rose up inside of me. "No, and don't do that. Miami is dangerous as hell. Make sure you an

d Casey stay together and don't be walking in any dark alleys."

She took a sip of her drink and watched me. "I'm not looking for that type of thrill."
