Page 252 of Addicted

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"Wow. That's complicated." I picked up the glass and took a long drink.

"I know. I'll be forced to talk with our owners about filing a slander suit against your company if those reviews come out. We're all for honest reviews and feedback, but I think your friend has gone off the deep end." Jeffry sat down and let out a long sigh. "It happens when people gain some false sense of power."

"Those reviews won't be posted, Jeffry. I'll talk to Jon on my flight back tonight. We'll get all of this worked out for you, I promise. I tried several dishes, and one of the women I met here this week is working toward being a food critic, too. I know she tried several dishes of yours and absolutely fell in love. I would assume Jon will have Kevin's job for what he's done. We'll work with the girl to review her recommendations and critiques. We'll need to post something alongside my review of the resort for sure."

"Which you found pleasant, I hope?"

"It was wonderful, spectacular, like no other place I've ever stayed." I tapped the table, wanting to reassure him completely, but there was a level of objectivity that I was required to maintain. "This is by far, my favorite beach resort in the states. You guys are doing a great job here."

His eyes filled with tears as he nodded. "Thank you."

"Of course." I lifted the drink to my lips and downed the rest of it. "I'm going to catch an early flight. Call if you need anything, but trust me, I'll fix this."

"I know you will. Thank you, son." He reached out and shook my hand firmly. "Come back any time, and introduce me to your new friend. I love meeting a good food critic. They're always so in touch with the things in life that woo us to keep going."

"Like love?"

"Yes, and passion, colors, and nature." He smiled and nodded to the door. "Catch that flight and be safe."

"I will." I turned and jogged toward the elevator, knowing that I couldn't let her go. I might have to play it safe around her for a while, but once she opened up to me, even a little, I was diving in as deep as she would let me.

Jeffry was right about her type. She was brimming with emotion and passion, but she'd tucked it away due to her heartache. I didn't just want to offer her a solid relationship and a future with us together, but a career with a focus on the things she seemed to love so much.

I packed up quickly and caught a cab to the airport as my heart raced in my chest. My mother's advice to play it safe was sliding off the table almost too fast. I'd resolved the anger inside of me over Viv tucking tail and running. I would have too if I had been through some of the shit she had over the years.

Pulling out my cell phone, I called Jon, hoping to get my mind off of everything for a little while at least.

"This is Jon."

"Hey, boss. It's Easton. I'm headed back to New York. Do you have time to meet up with me sometime tomorrow or Monday before my flight to L.A.?"

"Sure do. How was La Mage? Did they treat you right?"

"Brilliant, as always. I enjoyed myself, and the other resorts were classy, clean, and delightful as well." I coughed into my hand, trying to think through how I was going to bring up Kevin yet again. Jon knew how I felt about the guy, but he seemed to believe that I had a bias toward the wayward food critic, which I did. He was an ass, though he played it off well in front of Jon and everyone else in the company.

"Perfect. I'll make time. Just call Sherry and set something up."

"Alright. I'll talk to you then." I dropped the call and texted his secretary, Sherry, setting up a thirty minute meeting. Talking in person would go over much better than over the phone. With the idea of a pending lawsuit over Kevin's actions, I had just the right amount of ammo to get him fired.

And lucky for us, I knew the perfect girl for his position.

Chapter 23


The flight home was delayed by seven hours, which put us back in New York in time to change into our pajamas and get to bed. I was so beat from being up the night before that I had to have Case drive us back to the dorm room. I slept like a rock until she finally pushed at my shoulder just before lunch on Sunday.

"Hey. My mom wants me to come spend the night with them. I'm going to drive up there if you're gonna be okay here by yourself." She sat down on the edge of my bed, speaking far too fast for what I was capable of comprehending.

"What? Where are you going?" I pressed my palms to my eyes and stretched out.

"My mom's. I'll be back tomorrow sometime."

"What about class?" I drug my fingers down my face and grunted as I turned onto my side.

"I'll just make something up. A delay or something from the trip. I'll be back tomorrow night. You want to go with me?" She tugged at the covers playfully.

"No, but thanks." I rolled over to the other side of the bed and stood up. "What time is it? I feel like I'm coming out of a coma."

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