Page 253 of Addicted

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"It's twelve-forty." She got up and moved back to her bed, zipping up a small duffel bag before tugging the strap over her shoulder. "You sure you don't want to come?"

"No. I want to start working on my post-college plan." I yawned loudly and moved to give her a quick hug. "I'm going to jump in the shower. Be safe on your trip and text me when you get there."

"Okay." She caught my wrist as I turned to go. "No hanging out with Jackson, right?"

"No. Never. I'm done with him, no matter what." I gave her a weak smile and walked into the small bathroom, closing the door behind me. A week ago, I would definitely have hung out with Jackson in hopes of figuring out how we could work through all the shit we'd been through. But now, after meeting someone like Easton, there was no way.

The thought of the handsome, dark-haired businessman caused a longing to rise up inside of me that I couldn't ever remember feeling so strongly. He would be headed home some time in the next few days, and while I shouldn't have, I expected a call from him. After leaving him without as much as a goodbye, I didn't deserve a call from him, but something told me that our love affair wasn't over just yet.

I washed up quickly and braided my wet hair before pulling on a pair of jeans and tugging a bulky sweater over my t-shirt. After lacing up my boots, I grabbed my scarf, gloves, keys, and library card. I wanted to do some research, and the library would be open on campus by then.

There was a serenity to the place that I adored. There was nothing else like it in all of New York. I needed to keep my mind busy, but my emotions at rest. The college library would help me do just that.

I picked up my favorite coffee at the corner vendor just down from the shade trees on campus and walked languidly toward the large, ornate structure. I wanted Easton to call and tell me he w

as home, but I would have to bide my time seeing that I didn't get the specifics on when he was flying back into town.

"This is assuming of course that he even wants to see you." I moved back as a group of guys walked out of the library, the last one holding the door for me and smiling brightly.

"Morning." He winked, and I smiled, trying to play nice as best I could.

"Morning," I mumbled and walked in as I breathed in deeply. The smell of old books was one of my favorites. That and a good strong cup of coffee was my idea of heaven. I couldn't help but wonder what Easton's favorite scents were. Our twenty-question game was cut off far too early, but it was my fault. I hoped to have the chance to reconcile that.

Taking the stairs to the third floor, I found an open cubbyhole desk with a computer that was working a few minutes later. Setting my stuff on the desk beside the computer, I turned and scanned my surroundings. It was quiet, and the place seemed empty.

"Perfect." I sat down and shook the mouse as I tried to think through what I wanted to search exactly. I'd looked up various websites on being a food critic, as well as degrees held by the world-renowned critics until I was blue in the face.

"Hmmm..." I tapped my hand on the desk as my thoughts shifted back to Easton. "That's it. Maybe I could apply at his company, and even if he never called, we could run into each other down the road when I was healed and he was...taken?"

I grumbled and typed in his name, not at all surprised when the first full page on Google was all about him and his critiques. The picture they had for his profile was stunning, his beautiful green eyes accenting the deliciously tanned coloring of his skin. Reaching out, I brushed my fingers over the screen and let out a shaky sigh.

"I miss you," I whispered, feeling like a creeper and not caring at all. I did miss him – horribly.

Getting a hold of myself, I worked through the pages to find the name of his company and dug down until I landed on their website. They were all over the world, and Easton was quite high up for his division. He was lead resort reviewer. He had a zillion accolades and awards next to his name; the last one was more intimidating than the one before it.

"No wonder his career's so important. Must make him feel like a million bucks to be so popular." I clicked a few more times to find his boss and the rest of the executive committee. The food critic Easton kept mentioning was on several pages too, but something about him didn't sit right with me.

"You doing okay, miss?" A thin older woman stopped beside me and glanced down at the computer screen. "Oh Wilmington and Branch. I love their reviews. We usually travel based on their ratings."

"Really?" I turned my attention to her. "I just met one of their reviewers over break. Seems like a hard job having to travel all the time, but I'm hoping to one day be a food critic for them, or for myself."

"Oh really? That sounds like fun, unless you had to try something you didn't like. That would be painful." She stuck out her tongue and grimaced.

I chuckled and nodded. "I thought about that too, but I'm pretty open to trying anything once."

"That's a good attitude for that line of work." She pointed to the top of the screen. "Check their open positions. If you can get in with them, you'll be set. They're on the top five companies for reviewers, writers and critics. Good, solid company."

"Very cool. Thanks." I smiled at her and clicked on the jobs length, finding open applications for all positions. I took my time and filled out an application for food critic, only pausing to type up a critique of La Mage's famous steakhouse to attach as part of my submission. I wasn't sure what the protocol was on submitting the review to the papers too, but I figured waiting a little while wouldn't hurt anything.

I clicked back to the bio on Easton and pressed my face to my hands, leaning toward the screen to get a better look at him.

"God, you're beautiful. Why would you even bother with a silly girl like me?"

My phone buzzed, and I almost jumped out of my skin. I glanced down to see his name on my caller I.D., and my heart almost stopped as I fumbled with the phone and tried to still my racing pulse.

"This is Vivian."

"Hey, Viv. It's Easton. I just wanted to hear your voice. You made it home safely, I assume?" His tone was neutral, but the sweet timbre that belonged only to him left me closing my eyes to savor it fully.
