Page 440 of Addicted

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"True." I turned the radio to a new channel, stopping on the local one to hear the weather.

"Local news update... Bear Creek Lodge will closed down until further investigations are completed regarding the tragic accident of a twenty-seven-year-old local male. He's still in critical condition at St. Marks and the town is joining his family in praying for him to make a full recovery. This should serve as a warning that as the city council always advises, no ski..."

Parker reached up and turned the radio down. "How old is Finn?"

"I don't know." I glanced toward my brother. "You don't think that was him, do you?"

"How the hell don't you know how old he is? You guys are dating, right?"

"Yes, but I haven't gotten around to having him fill out the full survey." I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm sure he's fine. We're just over reacting."

"No, you're under-reacting. We were just at Bear Creek, and if Finn was upset, where else would he go?"

"Stop." I turned down the road to his father's shop as tears burned my eyes. "You're scaring me."

"Well, I'm scared, too." Parker's voice rose, and I reminded myself that he was just a kid. Anything tragic was scary, but nothing tragic had happened. Finn was probably at the shop, working himself into a hole so that he didn't have to think about my father's attack.

I pulled up and turned to my brother. "You want to go in with me?"

"No. Just go find out what the hell's going on and let's find Finn."

I nodded and got out of the car, pulling my jacket in tighter, and jogging toward the open door. The place was empty, which I would have expected for a Sunday morning, but the two cars out front led me to believe someone was somewhere in the building.


"I'm back here. I'm coming."

"Milly?" I called out and jogged toward the sound of her voice. I met her in the middle of a short hallway and by the look on her face, I knew the accident was Finn. "Where's Finn?"

"Oh, honey, he got in an accident on the slopes yesterday. Did Clark not call you?" She moved toward me as dizziness washed over me.

"What kind of accident? Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He's at St. Marks in a coma. He's going to be there for a few days and then they'll try to bring him out of it."

"In a coma?" I choked on a sob that rose sharply inside of me. "Oh my God."

"I know, sweetheart. It's pretty bad, but they're hopeful that if they let him rest, his body will repair the damage to his brain."

"I need to get up there. Where is he again?"

"I'll drive you. No need to have you in the bed next to him."

"My brother is with me." I reached for her, and she pulled me into a warm hug as I started to cry.

Fear crashed in around me at the thought of losing Finn before I really got him. Things had moved so quickly between the two of us, but I wasn't planning on slowing them down. I wanted to push full speed ahead to see what the future had in store for us. I was a risk taker, and he was one person I was willing to bet the whole lot on.

"I'll take you both. Dry your eyes, sweet girl. It's all going to be okay."

I pulled myself together and turned, walking quickly back out to the jeep to get Parker out. He took one look at my face and got out of the car, walking around and pulling me into a hug.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know. He's in a coma right now." I squeezed him and walked to Milly's truck, getting in and scooting over to make room for him to hop in, too.

They introduced themselves as I sunk into my thoughts, not capable of talking without crying. I had to force myself to think about various designs to keep my mind off of the feel of Finn's hands all over me and his sweet lips hovering above mine.

I thought I might explode by the time we made it to the hospital, but I'd pulled myself together. We piled out of the truck and walked into the ICU together. I worked hard not to jog toward the room number Milly called out to me. Stopping in front of the door, I turned to my brother, who had stopped and was staring into space wide-eyed.
