Page 441 of Addicted

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"I don't want to go in. I'll stay here." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Call Dad and tell him to come get you. Tell him what happened. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'll do that." He pulled his phone out, and I glanced toward Milly.

"I'll stay with him. Go on in there. Clark's in there. He'd love to see you, I'm sure."

Right. After Finn's accident really boils down to being my fault, or Dad's, really.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked and pushed the door open.

Clark stood and gave me a sad smile. "Chloe. I'm glad you're here. I didn't have your number or..."

I lifted my hand to stop him. "It's okay. Really."

"He's doing better. Thank God." Clark moved to one side of the bed, and I move to the other, my breath catching in my chest.

"What was he thinking?" I bent down and brushed my lips by his ear. His beautiful face was covered in black and blue bruises. There were tubes and wires everywhere. I held in the scream that pressed against my lugs as I wept as quietly as I could.

"They think he can hear us," Clark whispered through his own tears.

I nodded and kissed the side of Finn's face several times before whispering in his ear. "You better come back to me. You're not a boy anymore, Finn Warner. You're a grown-ass man. My grown-ass man. Please don't leave me here without you."

Clark turned and walked to the window as a deep sound of grief left him.

I kissed Finn's face once more and pressed my cheek to his forehead. "Please, wake up. Please."

Chapter 26


A strong hand held mine as I came to from the long sleep I'd been in. It took me a minute to get my eyes to open, but I wasn't in a hurry. The last thing I remembered was not being able to see anything, so the blurry colors that danced before my eyes were a blessed relief.

"Finn?" My father's voice caught my attention, and I languidly turned to find him as my vision cleared a little more. I was almost too scared to try and speak, but I knew it was foolish. Fear had never been something to bind me before. It wasn't happening now, either.

"Dad?" I groaned, my head hurting far worse than it had in the past.

"Thank God." He leaned over me and pressed his cheek to my forehead, which was beyond awkward, and yet not. He was my dad, and I'd most likely given him the scare of his life.

"What happened?" I licked at my lips and tried to move around, finding out what worked and what didn't.

"You were in an accident over at the new hill that opened up. You took a pretty bad fall."

"Anything broken or missing?" I couldn't help but look around the room slowly, half hoping to find Chloe. Maybe no one had told her that I was hurt, or worse, maybe they did and she wasn't interested in coming to see me. I deserved that shit completely. Ignoring her because of her father's actions? Stupid.

"Broken foot, but it will set, thanks to your cast." He moved back and rubbed my chest rhythmically like he did when I was a kid and had a bad dream. "You had a concussion that they figured would fix itself if they put you in a medically induced coma. You’ve been out for three days."

"Damn," I mumbled and closed my eyes, arching my back just to make sure nothing hurt.

"Seems to have worked. You're talking. You can see me, right?" He leaned over, and I reached up pushing at his chest.

"Yes, and I can smell the ten cups of coffee you had this morning." A smile lifted my lips, and I looked around again. "I need some water."

He moved from the bed and poured me a glass before pressing the button that lifted me to a reclined seating position. "Let me go tell the nurse you're awake. They'll want to bring the doctor in."

"Yeah. Where's my phone?"
