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king his people need the most.

He can do this.

He can do anything.

Rex steps away from me and looks to his brother. Somehow, he looks more regal than he did even just a moment ago.

“I can do this,” he says to Gaz. “And I will.”

“I’m proud of you, brother.”

“I will return to Orchid,” Rex says. “And I will take my rightful place as king of the planet.”

He will be the king they need, the king they deserve.

Chapter 12


When the three of us leave my office, I’m not surprised to find the two Orchidian police officers slumped over in their seats.

“Izzie?” I ask, but she just shrugs innocently.

“Guess they were a bit tired,” she says. “You know how these interplanetary flights can be. A bit of fatigue is quite normal, so I’ve heard.” She sips her cup of tea demurely, and then smiles at Rex and Hayden. “Everyone made up, I see.”

“Of course,” Hayden says, and Izzie smiles at my future wife.

“Good. Glad to see it. Here’s a copy of your schedule for the day, boss,” Izzie hands me a sheet of paper, which I don’t look at because I’m too busy staring at the front door.

“Seriously? What the actual fuck?” I growl.

Trevor is striding toward the building like he fucking owns it. He marches into the room and looks around, ignoring Rex and the Orchidian cops. Instead, he directs his gaze at me.

“You have to help get these Orchidian cops off my back,” he says. “They’re relentless, Gaz. They’ve already been to my house and my office. They said they’re going to persecute me here on Sapphira. They can’t do that. They don’t have jurisdiction!”

“Do you not notice the fact that there are two Orchidian cops right here?” Hayden asks, obviously confused. “Are you that blind?”

Trevor ignores her. “Gaz, what are we going to do? What’s the plan? You need to bring your A-Game to court, Gaz. We’re going to need all the help we can get. Surely you have a plan. That’s what I pay you for, isn’t it?” He laughs nervously.

“You’re fired,” I say coolly. Trevor chuckles, but then he notices I’m not laughing, and his face pales. He turns a strange, sickly shade of blue.

“What? Why? What? What are you talking about? Gaz?”

“I don’t work with clients who lie to me, Trevor. You know this better than anyone else.”

“What are you talking about, Gaz? Buddy,” he decides to try to appeal to our longstanding relationship. “We’ve been friends for a long time. I never lied to you, Gaz. These charges from Orchid? They’re all false. Made up. Completely bullshit. You know that.”

“No, actually, I don’t know that,” I tell him. “Trevor, I made it clear from the start that if you lied to me, I would be unable to represent you in court. You hid the fact that you’re wanted on Orchid from me. Did you not notice I’m Orchidian and would eventually find out?”

He pales further, if that’s possible.

“No,” Trevor shakes his head. “You’re from Mirroean. You told me.”

“What? I never told you that.” I never tell people where I’m from, but I also don’t lie. If they ask what planet I’m originally from, I simply ignore the question.

“Uh, I might have,” Izzie raises her hand and flashes a guilty smile my way. “He wouldn’t leave me alone, boss. In my defense,” she adds innocently. “You look pretty Mirroean to me, what with the shoes and all.”

We all glance at my feet. Unlike my brother, I’m wearing shoes. I always do on Sapphira. Drawing attention to myself, especially about something like this, is pointless.
