Page 39 of It's Only You

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Simona stood off to the side, watching Donovan. She didn’t know which look she liked more, his usual business wear or the basketball shorts and T-shirt he had on now. The sight of his lean, muscular build, tight butt and strong calves made her mouth water. Her gaze was drawn to his smile as he interacted with Yasmine, who laughed at whatever he was saying. She had never seen the little girl take to anyone so quickly. Simona sighed inwardly. Seeing him again was hard, especially since he had clearly only come to check on her niece. He hadn’t kissed Simona, hugged her or even touched her.

Eve came and stood next to her. “I told you he’d be back.”

“He only came back to check on Yasmine. He’s barely even talked to me.”

“Doesn’t matter. He could’ve easily called or sent a text. He would’ve never come here if he didn’t feel something for you.”

“Simona, who is that fine man?” Eve’s sister Joanna asked.

“He’s a friend.”

“Friend? Girl, you do not friend zone a man like that. Nah. With a man like him, you drag him to the nearest empty room, rip his clothes off and have your way with him.”

“Is that right?” a male voice drawled behind them.

Simona, Eve and Joanna spun around to see Joanna’s husband standing there, glaring, with his arms folded. Simona and Eve shared a look and tried to keep from laughing.

Joanna leaned up and kissed her husband. “Yep, just like I do to you, baby. I think I need something to drink.” She hurried off with him trailing her.

Simona and Eve burst out laughing. Simona said, “Your sister is a hot mess.”

“That she is,” Eve agreed. “Always has been. But she does have a point. Ain’t nothing sexier than a fine man playing with a baby.”

Simona grudgingly conceded the point. She observed as the twins vied for Donovan’s attention. He sat on the blanket, and they climbed onto his lap. He made room for them, but never put Yasmine down. As if sensing her perusal, he turned toward Simona. Their eyes locked, but his expression was unreadable. He turned away when Yasmine pulled on his lips. Simona’s eyes slid closed with the memory of those same lips pressed against hers, moving slowly down her neck and over the tops of her breasts...


She jumped, and her eyes popped open. Donovan stood in front of her. “I’m sorry, did you say something?” She had been so lost in her fantasy that she hadn’t heard him approach. Heat filled her face.

“Yeah. I’m getting ready to leave. I’m glad she’s doing well.” An awkward silence settled between them.

“Oh, okay. Well, thanks for stopping by. Are you sure you don’t want to stay for cake?”

He shook his head quickly. “No. Thanks. I have some stuff to take care of.”

She nodded, waiting for him to say something, anything about them.

“Simona, I—”

He bent and scooped up Yasmine, who had toddled over and grabbed his leg. Great timing.

“I have to go, angel. You be a good girl, okay?” He caressed her back and kissed her cheek, then handed her to Simona. “You don’t have to walk me out. I can find my way.” He paused a beat. “I’ll see you later.”

He pivoted and sauntered off, leaving Simona to stare at his retreating back. She tickled Yasmine. “Thanks a lot, little one. Your timing is rotten. Come on, let’s go cut your cake.”

An hour later, she said goodbye to her guests and laid the sleeping birthday girl in her crib. Eve had helped with most of the cleanup, so Simona washed the few remaining dishes then went to put her feet up. Almost immediately, an image of Donovan drifted through her mind. A smile formed on her lips as she recalled him playing with the kids, and she knew instinctively he would make a terrific father someday.

Her thoughts shifted to Joanna’s comments. The moment she’d seen him standing outside her front door, Simona had wanted to do exactly that—drag him to her bedroom, strip him naked and run her hands all over his hard body. She wanted to feel his hands on her, too, to put out the fire that had been building from the first time they kissed. Heated memories surfaced, and an involuntary moan slipped from her mouth. She clenched her fists to stop the sensations from flaring to life.

His visit had taken her completely by surprise, and she wished their conversation hadn’t been interrupted. Was he planning to break things off? Her stomach dropped at that thought, although she kept telling herself it was for the best. But what did she really want? Her emotions were all over the place, and she was more confused than ever. One way or another, they needed to talk. She couldn’t go through another tortuous week like the past one.
