Page 38 of It's Only You

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Simona was a different story. With her, he wanted more, and it scared him. If he were really honest with himself, he would admit to being a little jealous of the fact that she’d had a child with some other man. A man who, evidently, wasn’t owning up to his responsibilities. He frowned. Who was this guy, and more importantly, where was he? Donovan shook his head. Why did he even care?

He showered and crawled into bed, preparing himself for what he knew would be another sleepless night. He tossed and turned, dreaming about Simona and all the ways and places they could make love. He woke up hot and hard. Groaning, Donovan threw the covers off and stomped downstairs to his gym to work off his sexual frustration.

Two hours later, his body was under control, but his mind continued to race. Making a decision, he quickly downed a protein shake and went up to shower.

* * *

Before he could talk himself out of going over, Donovan hopped in his car and drove off. The closer he came to Simona’s house, the faster his heart thumped in his chest. What was wrong with him? Donovan parked in the driveway behind Simona’s Honda and was curious about the other cars in the driveway and in front of her house. You’re just here to check on the baby, Wright. Nothing more. He steeled himself and knocked on the door.

“Donovan! Um...hi,” Simona said when she opened the door, clearly surprised.

He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from hauling her into his arms and kissing her senseless. Her braids hung loose, spilling around her shoulders and down her back, and she had on a pair of shorts and a tank top that left her smooth, toned coffee-with-cream skin bare, sorely tempting him to explore every inch. “Hey.”

She eyed him warily and stepped back. “Come in.”

He had only planned to ask about Yasmine and leave, but his feet missed that memo and propelled him across her threshold. She closed the door and stood with her arms folded. His gaze zeroed in on her biting her bottom lip, and he wanted to soothe the spot with his tongue and...

Shaking himself mentally, he lifted his eyes back to hers. “I wanted to see how Yasmine is doing.” He heard voices and laughter coming from the back of the house. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had company. I’ll just come back another time.” He turned to the door.

Simona caught his arm. “You don’t have to leave. Yesterday was Yasmine’s first birthday, so we’re having a little party. Why don’t you come see for yourself how she’s doing?”

Was Yasmine’s father here? And did Donovan really want to know? Curiosity got the best of him...and he wanted to see the baby. He nodded. “Okay. Just for a minute.” She gave him a soft smile and his heart skipped a beat, reminding him how much he missed seeing that smile. Then he remembered her deceit.

He followed through the living room and moderately sized kitchen to the sliding glass door that led to the backyard. He saw Eve talking with two couples, as a girl about five or six, two younger boys who looked to be twins and Yasmine sat on a nearby blanket playing with toys. All eyes turned his way, and Eve smiled. Simona made introductions to Eve’s two younger sisters and their husbands. He didn’t want to examine the relief he felt upon finding out that neither of the men present was Yasmine’s father.

“She looks like she recovered well,” Donovan said, watching Yasmine bang on a toy that lit up and played music.

“She did.”

He was itching to go over and pick her up, and Simona must have realized it.

“You can go over if you want.”

He slowly approached, and all four children turned his way. Donovan squatted down next to the beautiful little girl, marveling at the difference between the first time he’d seen her and now. Her big brown eyes were bright, and she babbled happily. When she looked up at him, she paused and stuck her lip out as if she would start crying at any moment.

Donovan smiled. “Hey, angel. So now that you’re feeling better, you’re going to cry?”

Yasmine stared at him for a long moment, seemingly trying to decide. Finally, she pushed herself up to a standing position and gave him a huge grin, showing off a mouth full of tiny teeth and stealing another piece of his heart. Unable to resist, he picked her up and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” She patted his cheeks and babbled something. Donovan laughed. “Really? All that, huh?” He picked up the toy she had been playing with. “Make some music for me, baby girl.” She started banging on the buttons again, the sound warming his soul.
