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“You have visitors this morning?” Vanessa asked.

The woman hesitated for a couple beats. Probably wondering what she should say. What new trouble was at her doorstep?

Vanessa looked beyond Gail. “There isn't anybody else in there now, is there?”

Gail gave her head a vehement shake. “Unh-uh. And I didn't invite nobody up here either. He just come of his own accord. Honest. It was some crazy white guy looking for my old man.”

Vanessa raised a disapproving eyebrow. “I was led to understand you were living alone.”

“My old man split on me. I got out of rehab, and he took off. He said he was worrying about things that been happening.” She made a gun with her thumb and forefinger. “Now he's gone. Vanished. Poof.”

Ranger was hanging loose behind Vanessa. “Name?” he asked Gail.

Gail looked from Vanessa to Ranger to me. More indecision.

“WELL?” Vanessa demanded, loud enough to make Gail jump six inches.

“Elliot Harp,” Gail said, the words tumbling out of her mouth. “Everybody call him Harpoon. But I'm not his woman no more. I swear to it.” She licked at the sore on her lip. “Is there more?” she asked.

“No,” Ranger told her. “Sorry we had to bother you so early in the morning.”

Gail nodded once and closed the door very quietly. Click. She was gone.

Ranger thanked Va

nessa. Told her how he appreciated her help. Anytime, Vanessa said. And if he ever needed a room, or for that matter, if he ever needed anything at all . . . anything, he should remember about her. Ranger assured Vanessa she was unforgettable, and we left on that note.

“Boy,” I said when we were out on the street. “Mr. Charm.”

“In sweats, too,” he said. “You should see me work my magic in leather.”

“Where is he?” Lula wanted to know when we were all settled in Ranger's Bronco. “Where's Old Penis Nose?”

“Don't know,” I said. “He came here looking for Elliot Harp, but Elliot wasn't at home.”

“Elliot Harp's bad news,” Lula said. “Mean. Middle management. Must have at least ten kids running for him.”

“About that badge you flash,” I said to Ranger.

He pulled away from the curb, flicked me a sideways glance. “You want one?”

“Might come in handy.”

Ranger shot Lula a look in the rearview mirror. “You know where Elliot lives?”

“So far as I know he lives on Stark. Has a woman there. Junkie ho.”


“Yep. Gail.”

“We just talked to Gail. She said Harp split. Says she doesn't know where he is.”

“That could be,” Lula said. “Lot of that going around.”

“If Mo really wants to find Elliot, where will he look next?” I asked.

Ranger turned at Gainsborough and headed back toward the burg. “He'll go to the street. He'll look for Elliot on the corner. Elliot's running scared, but he still needs to do business.”
